Page 474 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 474
total, stages.
68 20 Mishayya, in the wadi east of Dokhah, distant about
2 hrs. from the port. Quantities of dhura, dukhn,
-j sesame, and cotton are grown here and exported
from Dokhah.
Continue SE., passing Wadi el-Kharma in the
Zobeid country, a running stream with much
Wadi Naivan is passed, when the track turns
' more to the S.
84 16 Wadi el-Ahsaba, in the ‘Ajelein country.
Dir. SSE.
12 m. Umm el-Jirm, in the Wadi Kanunah(Kenuna),
about 4 m. NE. of Qunfudah ; the wadi con
tains running water, and there are good
i springs for drinking-water.
100 16 QUNFUDAH, port; see I, p. 143 f.
Dir. S.
14 m. Makasir.
Cross Wadi Yiba (Yeba).
127 27 Serum.
142 15 Wadi Hali, camp at mouth of wadi. Higher up the
wadi there is cultivation, and sheep and goats
should be procurable. A road leads from here up
the valley to Muha’il; see above, Route No. 51,
pp. 234 ff.
157 15 Rakah (?), at mouth of Wadi Tusi.
172 15 Khor el-Birk. The hills for the next five stages approach
the coast : the district is known as the Rijal
i.‘ 192 20 Wasm (or Wasim), small port.
i 10 m. the island of Kutambal. a short distance
from the coast, is passed. Widdn, headland
and small port, are passed. The road then
■I passes a mile or two W. of Hisn ala J1 z
(or Majis), a hill fort to the N. of the village
of Ma;jiz.
217 25 McVjiz (or Majis), village on coast.
Shuqaiq, village and port. The route crosses
Wadi Rim (water about 3 hrs. distant) bet v cm
Shuqaiq and Ttwid.
237 20 ‘ I livid (or Iiivad). village on coast.