Page 478 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 478
< l
i miles.
total, stages.
i Continue across the khabt till the Wadi
Jeizan (or Jizan) is reached a short distance
I from Abu ‘Arish.
« 297 18 Abu ‘Arish, town; see I, p. 143.
■I Dir. nearly S. over open ground, not far from foot of
> hills.
; 10 m. Manqa‘ (or Suq el-Ahad), belonging to the
Masarihah tribe.
321 24 Samtah, village of the Beni Shubeili, but the principal
inhabitants are Ashraf ; the old fort of Wa'lan
is on a hill 5 m. to the east.
Dir. S., through the country of the Beni Marwan.
345 24 Haradh, a small town, many of the inhabitants of which
are Ashraf ; the lower hills are within a short
distance of the town. From Haradh there is
a direct road down the wadi to Midi, now an
important port (see I, p. 144), distant 18 m. west.
Continue S.
' 10 m. Siiq es-Sabt, in Wadi Heiran ; wells. The
route then passes through Beni Aslam
373 28 Muteyyin, or Suq 'Abs, the principal place in the country
! of the Beni ‘Abs ; wells and cultivation.
The route passes the ‘Abs villages of Ranf and
j Mamaf.
4 m. Wcidi el-Kor is crossed.
■ 4 m. Beit ed-Damar, village.
1 m. Qidf el-Butri, the boundary between the
!: tribes under the Idrisi and those under the
h Turks ; a road runs from here to San'a,
95 miles. Wadi ‘Ain is crossed just south
I of Qidf el-Butri.
Dir. SW.
5 m. Jarb, a small Turkish post.
4 m. Jar anna, village.
3 m. Faranti, village.
2 m. Deir ‘Adi Hasan, village.
4 m. Mu'tar id, village.
Dir. due W. for 1 m. to end of stage.
401 28 Zohrah, village about 1 m. north of Wadi Maur; there
are good wells, and cultivation all along the