Page 510 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 510

              258                    SOUTH-WESTERN ROUTES

              total, stages.
                               Dir. N., slightly by E.
               724 21 Leilah, village ; see I, p. 363.
                               Dir. ENE.
                                  13 m. Dhrumah, village in Wadi Dhrumah.
                                  23 m. Malqa, village. Track now follows the
                                           Ha’h-Riyadh Route for 18 m.; see p. 117.
               778 54 RIYADH.]

                 [The following is an Alternative Route from Ghail to Makhlaf (see
              above, p. 256), followed by Halevy in 1870 :
              total, stages.
                            Ghail; see above, p. 256 (m. 110 of main route).
                               Dir. E. and then NE. Three hours’ march, crossing
                                     Khar id River at 8 m.
                 10  10 Hazm, chief town of Middle Jauf; about 120 houses
                                     of sun-dried brick, some several stories high.
                                     Abundance of water for cultivation, if better
                                     utilized. Actual amount of cultivation small, in­
                                     habitants relying solely on rains ; but in years of
                                     good rain a fair amount of produce is obtained.
                                     Cultivation was originally more extensive, as there
                                     were canals leading from the Kharid ; these have
                                    fallen into ruin.
                               Dir. N. by E., ascending increasingly, over back of
                                    Jebel Laud.
                25    15 Jebel Laud, summit of ascent. Thence a zigzag descent, a

                                    further ascent over higher JebelQadm, then another
                                    zigzag descent over rough ground and through
                                    defiles, and then on through hilly country.
                                   4 m. Melahah, a few houses of brick and a tower.
                               Dir. NNW. At first the track is rather difficult, across
                                    mountainous uninhabited country; then it runi-
                                    through more verdant country watered by several
                                    water-courses.                                             .
                44  19 Miqara (or Maq'ar), picturesquely situated on edge ot
                                    the extensive oasis of Khab. All round, care­
                                    fully cultivated terraced fields, bordering tK
                                    foot-hills ; water from numerous well-kept ve s .
                                    a good many trees ; crops of wheat of supeimi
                                    quality, vegetables, but few fruit-trees.
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