Page 526 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 526

            266                   SOUTH-WESTERN ROUTES

            total, stages.
                                        below) ; (6) Middle ; (c) Western through
                                        Waht (details below). Take the Middle
                                        track (6), which is the shortest of the three
                                        alternatives (14 miles).
                             Dir. NW.
                                 4 m. Bir Mohammed passed ; then Bir Ndsir, Bir
                                        Amir (or 'Umar), and Bir Makki, all on E.;
                                        water good and plentiful at each ; at first
                                        through acacia jungle, then open and sandy
                                 5  m. Sibir (Subar), hamlet with conspicuous tower
                                        and 3 good wells ; forage and supplies in
                                        moderate quantities.
                                           Jaldjil, hamlet among sand-hills; 2 good
                                        wells. Road enters cultivation 2 m. before
              21 21 LAHEJ, populous town of 10,000-15,000 inhabitants ;
                                   see I, p. 208.

                                [The following are the two alternative tracks, (a)
                                  and (c), from Dar-el-Amir to Lahej :
                                     (a) Eastern.
                                Dar el-Amir; see above (m. 7 of route).

                                   Dir. due N. over open sandy desert, generally
                                        good and firm.
                                    3 m. Bar Mansur, a little to E.; 2 wells, indif­
                                           ferent water. Heavy going through sand.
                                    2 m. Ddr Sheikh Ndsir.
                                    2 m. Mud-built shrine of Salim *Othmdn. Open
                                           camping ground and good well. Fiyiish is
                                           1 m. to E. Country wooded with mimosa ,
                                           road continues through heavy sand.
                                    2 m.   Bir Sa'id 'Ali, camp on firm sandy ground ,
                                           3 wells with ample supply.                     .
                                              [For the direct track from Bir Said A*1
                                           to Bir Am Seifi (see below, p. 267), £hic'h
                                           does not pass through Lahej, see Bon e
                                           No. 63, p. 280.]
                                          LAHEJ (17 miles from Dar el-Amir) ,
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