Page 530 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 530
208 « 0 L'T H- W EST E RN R() OTE.S
total, stages.
44 m. Zeidah (Zevada), a mud-walled fortified en
closure, to W., on bank of Wadi Tiban ■
1 well, good and plentiful water.
14 m. Sha'qah (Shaka), mud-built village on bank
of the wadi; good camping-ground near, and
2 wells.
Dir. N. by W., continuing along bank of W. Tiban.
When path is flooded and fields near bank are
under irrigation, a good track can always be found
by going a little to the east.
Wadi Bilih crossed at its junction with Wadi
1 m. ‘Anad, a small fort marking the Haushabi
Good going over open stony country.
34 m. Nubat Mahdi, tower on a hill.
14 m. Ddr Husein, tower on a hill.
40 19 Nubat Dakim, on low hills and open stony plain ; exten
sive camping-ground. Water from river, but pre
cautions are necessary in time of flood, to clear and
filter it, as the water is there said to produce fever;
no forage is obtainable, except by arrangement
with the neighbouring Haushabi tribesmen.
[Road to Qa;tabah, via Khoreibah, goes off N. ;
see Route No. 63, p. 280.]
A good cart road, made by sappers and miners,
runs to Dar ‘Aqqan along 1. bank of Wadi Tiban,
the bed of which is 80 ft. below. Mountains now
gradually rise higher on each side of wadi.
Dir. NW., over open level ground.
3 m. Tannan, disused ddr. Road crosses several
deep ravines.
44 m. JaulMadram. Good camping-ground on either
bank ; some cultivation in river bed ; small
quantities of forage. Track continues o\ci
level ground for 34 in., and then crosses tv<>
deep ravines.
44 m. Dar ‘Aqqan; forage and ordinary suppm's-
Military post (1903) 14 in. distant. [Road,
via Huweimi (13 m.), Rahda (26 m.), to Ta >z7:
(54 m.) goes off W.j