Page 532 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 532

ROUTE 61 : ADEN—SAN‘A                                  269

        total, stages.
                                       Track descends into river bed, but  soon
                                     ascends again and goes along 1. bank of wadi,
                                     here well marked, to Habil Am Suweida (pron.
                                     Masweida). Track then diverges from wadi
                                     and keeps close along the foot-hills, so as to
                                    avoid mouths of deep ravines which run into
                                     Wadi Tiban. (In the dry season Arabs
                                     prefer to follow the river-bed; but, if there
                                    is danger of storm and flood, the upper road
                                    is preferable.)

                             3 m. A gorge, J m. long, is entered, up which the
                                    track runs. If there is flood, it is necessary
                                     to wait until the water falls. Track then goes
                                    through some fields in river-bed for about
                                     14 m., when it comes out again on to 1. bank.
          58  18 Musemir (Mus‘aimir), town; see I, p. 211.
                            [Road leads off 1. to Mawiyah and Tadzz ; see Route
                              No. 62, p. 276 f. An alternative track to Qa:tabah
                               winds NE. up the cultivated Wadi Tiban, 200-
                               300 yds. wide, with steep banks 100-200 ft. high,
                               but with an insignificant stream in the dry season.]
                            4-1 m. Bdshiriyah, village. A little distance above,
                                    the valley narrows to a rocky gorge ; the
                                    stream is sometimes dammed here for irriga­
                                    tion purposes, when it is necessary to wade
                                    for a short distance in 2 ft. of water.
                            14 m. Lijmah (Lajma), wide cultivated part of
                                    wadi; good camping-ground; forage, fuel
                                    and grain are procurable with notice. The
                                    stream here runs about 20 ft. wide and a foot
                                    deep in the dry season.
                                       Valley narrows, then opens out into wide
                                    cultivated expanse.
                                       Kama‘ passed. Just above, wadi                 nar­
                                    rows   to defile, then widens out again ; track
                                    crosses and recrosses the stream ; its bed
                                    is here stony, but going is good except for
                                    occasional wading.
                             3 in. Wadi Shan is passed, up              which a track
                                    branches E. to Khushan. At this point Hau-
                                    .shabi territory is left and Ahmadi entered.
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