Page 536 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 536

ROUTE 01 : ADEN—8AN'A                                  271

         total, stages.
                            2 m. Habi es-Siiq. Here the river is probably left,
                                     and the track goes NE. for 4 m. to Qa'tabab.
            94 20 QA‘TABAH, town (alt. 4,430 ft.) ; see I, p. 170. The
                               town lies about 3 m. off the main road, to the
                               N. ; a branch road runs into it from the Custom
                               House on the side of the main road.
                          Dir. N. across very hilly country.
                             13 m. Saddah, village ; road enters village from
                                     S. and goes out due W. ; then bears N.
                            21 m. Hamra, village.
                          Dir. W. at first, then NNW. ; track said to be good,
                        ___ but it continues to pass through hilly ground.
          136 42 YERlM, town ; see I, p. 169.
                                  Between Yerim and San'a there are regular
                               caravanserais, some reputed to be clean and
                               Road proceeds for considerable distance straight
                                     and level, but the ground is generally broken,
                                     and the going bad till about 5 m. from
                             12 m. Road overlooks the strikingly deep Wadi
                                     el-Kha to 1., full of coffee-plantations beside
                                     a stream ; then gentle ascent.

                              2 m. Dijishub (Dijisul), village, including a few
                                     rough stone huts, to r. ; at a short distance
                                     from village are a number of small tanks sup­
                                     plied with good cold water from spring ; far­
                                     ther on, 3 other sets of tanks. A large mass
                                     of rock has fallen near here, partially blocking
                                     the road. A short ascent over Neqil d-Jarr
                                     en-Neba (alt. 7,200 ft.) ; then about 5 m.
                                     level ground to Dhamar el-Jarr.

                              8 m. Dhamar el-Jarr (Castle of Jarr), village of
                                     some size, with fortress built on summit of
                                     isolated hill. 3 m. to Dhamar.
                -5 DHAMAR, town ; see I, p. 169 f.
                         Dir. NW. for about 5 m., then N. by YV., by slight
                               ascent, to bare stony plateau, passing village
                               of Jaffa. Along this stage are several well-built
                               tanks, near the road; there are a number of wells
                               in the neighbourhood.
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