Page 562 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 562


           284                    SOUTH-WESTERN ROUTES

           total, stages.
                                        nowhere steep. At summit track turns XE
                                        for £ m., then E.
              70  16 Dhubayyat, thriving village of 400 inhabitants ; 4 wells
                                  with good drinking water, about 300 yds. N. •
                                  also large masonry reservoir for rain-water about
                                  1 m. E. ; cultivation, and considerable herds of
                                  goats and sheep. White Shrine of Wali Hasan
                                  on conical hill, 5,900 ft. above sea-level, 1 m. X. ;
                                  a landmark and useful for signalling communica­
                            Dir. W. of N., by steep rocky descent, the track thou
                                  winding over stony ground. The whole of this
                                  stage to Dhala is very rough, but practicable for
                                  laden camels.
                                3 m. Enter a gorge, with waterfalls 4 m. farther on.
                                14 m. Zanadh ; 1 well with good water ; consider­
                                        able cultivation. Track then ascends a low
                                        pass, into open cultivated valley.

                                2 m. Kafiat ez-Zobeid, village at far side of valley ;
                                        3 wells, the best situated W. of village.
                                           Track comes in E. from Rabadh.
                                           2 m. to Dhala, passing Habil DM Ishar.
              784  84 DHALA, town; see I, p. 211 f. During the following
                                   stage the track is very rough and winding.
                             Dir. N. for half a mile, then NNW., with a gradual
                                1 m. Kabar, village on hill, E. of road.
                                24 m. Wa‘ra, village ; one well.
                                14 m. Sureifi (Sirafi), village with good well.
                                           Road skirts Jebel Jihaf, passes small ham­

                                         lets of Sha'b el-As'ud and Bajaha, and leads
                                         down Wadi Haza. Track then bifuica e>.
                                        one branch approaching Qa'tabah^ throng 1
                                         Sanah, and the other leading into ll'nof *1
                                34 m. Sanah ; boundary Ullage, before entenng
                                         Turkish territory ; 1 well, with good wa ».r .
                                         custom-house. For the following 3 ni. 111 *
                                         Qa‘tabah the track corresponds to Kom
                                         No. 63 ; see above, p. 2S2.
              60  114 QA‘TABAH, town : see I, p. 170.
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