Page 562 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 562
total, stages.
nowhere steep. At summit track turns XE
for £ m., then E.
70 16 Dhubayyat, thriving village of 400 inhabitants ; 4 wells
with good drinking water, about 300 yds. N. •
also large masonry reservoir for rain-water about
1 m. E. ; cultivation, and considerable herds of
goats and sheep. White Shrine of Wali Hasan
on conical hill, 5,900 ft. above sea-level, 1 m. X. ;
a landmark and useful for signalling communica
Dir. W. of N., by steep rocky descent, the track thou
winding over stony ground. The whole of this
stage to Dhala is very rough, but practicable for
laden camels.
3 m. Enter a gorge, with waterfalls 4 m. farther on.
14 m. Zanadh ; 1 well with good water ; consider
able cultivation. Track then ascends a low
pass, into open cultivated valley.
2 m. Kafiat ez-Zobeid, village at far side of valley ;
3 wells, the best situated W. of village.
Track comes in E. from Rabadh.
2 m. to Dhala, passing Habil DM Ishar.
784 84 DHALA, town; see I, p. 211 f. During the following
stage the track is very rough and winding.
Dir. N. for half a mile, then NNW., with a gradual
1 m. Kabar, village on hill, E. of road.
24 m. Wa‘ra, village ; one well.
14 m. Sureifi (Sirafi), village with good well.
Road skirts Jebel Jihaf, passes small ham
lets of Sha'b el-As'ud and Bajaha, and leads
down Wadi Haza. Track then bifuica e>.
one branch approaching Qa'tabah^ throng 1
Sanah, and the other leading into ll'nof *1
34 m. Sanah ; boundary Ullage, before entenng
Turkish territory ; 1 well, with good wa ».r .
custom-house. For the following 3 ni. 111 *
Qa‘tabah the track corresponds to Kom
No. 63 ; see above, p. 2S2.
60 114 QA‘TABAH, town : see I, p. 170.