Page 564 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 564
Authority : Data supplied by Lieut. Kensington, 1004.
General Direction : NW.
Distance : Crow-fly, 58 miles ; road, 63 miles.
Character and Supplies: see p. 59.
total, stages.
ADEN, town; see I, p. 203 f.
Dir. N., along the Sheikh ‘Othman road ; see above,
Route No. 60, p. 262.
2 m. Khor Maksar, Aden troop lines. Here the
Sheikh ‘Othman road is left.
Dir. N. by E., following coastline, on the level to end
of this stage.
8 m. Track goes off 1. for ‘Imad, about 3 m. distant.
After 2 m., road becomes heavy in places
for several miles, but passable for all arms.
One mile before reaching Hiswatel-‘Akrabiyah
low sand-hills are entered and going becomes
very heavy.
25 25 Hiswat el-‘Akrabiyah, no village nor cultivation; one
well, close to sea, the water salt but drinkable ;
camp a little off main road ; scanty grazing for
Road crosses several sand-drifts ; heavy going
for U m.; track then improves steadily.
34 m. Majhar (Mihjar), small village.
Good hard track, but encumbered by trees
and bushes, till reaching the cultivated district
known as the Abiydn, which begins about
34 m. from Majhar ; road then winds in and
out amongst crops and is generally only
broad enough for a loaded camel to pass ;
a guide should be obtained for this part.
44 m. Wadi Bana. 400 yds. broad, increasing to
a mile in Hood-time. Zinjabar, the first im
portant Fadhli village is then passed: mud-
houses ; about 500 inhabitants; principal