Page 572 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 572
total, stages.
which runs past village through covered,
Dir. NW. Road now crosses the Kaur ridge, which
camels cannot ascend, and donkeys or mules must
be used ; track very rough, at first through dense
mimosa jungle ; a gorge is then followed up
over blocks of stone (difficult both for men and
animals to pass) ; 7,500 ft. at summit. Tall
shrubs fringe track when crest is reached.
62 14 Wadi Tilhak, good camping-place near small Bedouin
village, where there are goats and a few patches
of cultivation.
Dir. 1ST., continuing to rise for short distance; then
track descends in zigzags over succession of
terraced tracts to Wadi Dihaura, which is followed
closely; 6 m. on, some pools are passed; track
exceedingly rugged and bad.
10 m. Wadi Khalla crossed to W. bank ; pools of
Road emerges upon the Dahr plateau
which is mainly pastoral and agricultural,
irrigated and well cultivated ; several good
wells along plateau, the water said to be
abundant all the year round.
74 12 Sauma‘ah (Soma), unwalled town of about 3,000 in
habitants ; see I, p. 216.
Dir. N. by E. ; for about seven miles the track is good,
running across three successive plains; then it
ascends the !Aqabah along west bank of Wadi
7 m. Track turns abruptly E. and leads by very
steep descent into Wadi Khalla, with rough
stony bed, wooded with mimosa and other
bush. Wadi Khaura is then entered from
Wadi Khalla, where 11 ddi Surum joins in
0 on 1.
0 16 Wadi Khaura Pools, a chain of permanent pools of good
water. Track descends the Wadi Khaura.
4 m. Wadi Tirimid comes in on 1., where again
there are perennial pools of water; thick
clumps of tamarisk trees on banks.