Page 210 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 210

                                           Budget - 1358

                       I  .Oil Royaltiy. Rs. 30,00,000. The royalty on oil has been estimated at the
                  same figure as in last year’s Budget. The amount received in 1357 was Rs. 35,44,000,
                  the sum due from the Company for the second half of 1938, which is payable at the
                  end of March 1939, is approximately 17 lakhs. I have allowed for a possible de­
                  crease of Rs. 5,44,000 in royalty revenue in the course of the year.
                       II  Customs Receipts. The total revenue under this heading has been estimated
                  at 6 lakhs which is 4 lakhs less than last year’s estimate and 4,87,000 less than last
                  years actuals.
                        Owing to the opening of the new port of Ras Tanura I anticipated a very
                  large decrease in Customs receipts. The R. E. Revenue will most probably be
                  reduced to almost nothing and the normal Customs revenue is likely to be seriously
                      III  Passports Receipts. Rs. 16,000. The revenue in 1357 was approximately
                  Rs. 19,000.
                      IV  Judicial Receipts. Rs. 7,000. The revenue from this source is difficult to
                  assess, it depends upon the nature of the cases which are brought into court. Last
                  year there was a falling off in revenue.
                       V  Motor Vehicle Taxes, Rs. 19,000. The income from this source in last year’s
                  Budget was underestimated.
                      VI  Land Revenue. Rs. 25,000. Owing to the probability of certain sales of
                  land taking place during the year the expected revenue from land has been raised.
                     VII Interest on Reserve Fund, Rs. 1,64,500 The Reserve, at the beginning of the
                  year, is 40 lakhs which produces interest of Rs. 1,40,000 per annum. It is hoped that
                  14 lakhs will be added to the Reserve during the year of which 11 lakhs will be set
                  aside from revenue and three lakhs from the surplus in hand at the end of 1357. I
                  have assumed that interest for half the year will be received from the investment
                  of 14 lakhs.
                      IX Miscellaneous Receipts. Under this heading I haye included 4 lakhs which
                  is expected to be paid to the Government on account of certain oil negotiations.

                                            Budget - 1358.
                                         Part I. Recurrent Expenditure.
                        I  Allowances to Ruling Family, Rs. 14,33,000.
                        Of this sum Rs. 4,33,000 is the monthly Civil List and Rs. 10,00,000 is ono
                  third of the estimated oil royalty which is paid to the Privy Purse.
                       II  Administrative Services, Rs. 3,24,000.
                        The cost of Administration is expected to exceed last year’s expenditure by
                  about Rs 45,000. In addition to annual increments and some increase in the clerical
                  staff provision has been made for an assistant to the Adviser, the services of a J udicial
                  expert from abroad and the pay of the new Shia Kadi which was only drawn for a
                  portion of last year. The cost of the annual audit has been included with Advise-
                  rate. The Minors Department is a recent development which was started towards
                  the end of the year.
                        Ill Public Health, Rs. 1,24,800.
                        Last year Rs. 1,13,000 was spent on public health but this included Rs. 39,750
                  on account of equipment for the Government Hospital.
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