Page 209 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 209
Non Recurrent Fapcnditure.
I Slato Protection.
Armaments ... Its. 80,760
II Public Health.
Kiirniture it Equipment for Now Dispensary .*».* MK)
III Transport.
Purchase of ‘2 lorries for I'.VV.D. 7,(KK)
IV Reserve Fund.
J11 \ itioiiL from Revenue 11 .Ort.(KK)
V Public Works—Special Projects
A. Maiiauia-Muharraq Causeway.
I. Swing Bridge .•1,00,000
'2. Extension of If 'ad Parapet . . :Wi,oon «, dr, ,ooo
R. State Hospital.
Completion of buildings in hand
I. Dispensary 10,00(1
'2. Kcifinlo Hospital 66,(XX)
II. Nurses Quarters 81 ,(KK) 1.1«,000
New Buddings;—
1. Hospital (I'ari.) •10,000
2. Stugery (15,000
8. K itchen •2,000
•l. Garages •1.000
A. Wafer Tower and
Cuiinootion ft/KXI
(I. Klrrtrhail Installations •ifi/XK) 1,11,000 2,57,000
C. Customs
I. Completion of Pior Extontion
Manama (10,000
IS. Replacing Trolley Linn 7,700 07,700
D. Fort.
1 Rebuilding of N.K Tower and
Miiga/.iuo 18,(X)0
*2. New Eastern Wull ... 8,000
8. Harruck Room il.fXXl
•I Kitchen and Mesa ltudui 2,500
6. Water Tank in (1 union 1,000
0. AlteiutioiiH and Additions to
Entrance and Cl ate way 1,600 40,000
E. Schools.
1. Extontion of Technical Hc.iiool ... 4,600
2. Alterations and Additions to
Manama Kuliuol 2,600
8. Rtdigiona School 8,(XX) 10,000
F. Transport Building.
1. Kxtorititm to Oarage 6,(KX)
2. Quarters ahove Oarage 4,(XX)
8. Ramp 1,000 10,000
G. Passport Office.
1. New Lluilding 8,000
2. Alteration to Old Building
for Peat Office 2,400 10,400
H Miscellaneous.
1. Now Ktairu to H.1I. Palace 2,(XXI
2. Mosque at Ilitwur and Watei Tanka 8,000
3. Completion of (ioxtuhia House ... •2,500
4. Drainage ftom Ruduyuu(Inrtloii... 8,000 10,600
Total Rs. 18,88,860