Page 204 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 204

                 Bahrain Registered Craft. While there has been a certain amount of activity in
                 local boat-building, the increase has not served fully to replace losses during the past
                 year. The position is shown by the following comparison :—
                                                                    Motor Sailing
                                                Barges.  Motor    Launches. Craft. 1  Total.
                 Registered craft at end 1356      9       13        74     1,032  1,128
                 Newly-built in 1357               2                  7        18    27
                 Foreign craft newly registered ...   4                       30     34
                 New foreign motor launches                           2               2

                 LESS:                            15       13        83     1,080 1,191
                 Old motOF launches converted to
                   sail                                               2        2
                                                  15       13        81     1,082  1,191

                 LESS (in 1357)

                 Sold abroad                       1                  5       44 i   50
                 Broken up                                                    18 i   18
                 Lost at sea                                                   7 !   7
                 Cpnfiscated abroad                                            5     5
                 Burnt in port                                                 1      1
                 Built for sale                                                1      1
                                                  1                   5       76    82
                 BALANCE: number of registered
                   craft at end of year 1357     14        13        76     1,006 1,109'
                                      Total ...  15        13        81    1,082 1,191

                       Thus, the number of Bahrain registered craft at the end of 1357 is 1,109, as
                 com ipared with 1,128 at the end of 1356, the decrease being mainly accounted for by
                 con nscations and losses at sea.
                      The system of issuing free manifests for cargo borne in Native Craft to the
                mainland ports of Saudi-Arabia is still maintained; but the arrangement for
                reciprocation does not seem to be so well carried out, and complaints are heard of
                mainland mudirs levying dues upon Bahrain produce in favour of local produce
                exported to Hassa by non-Bahrain subjects* which is unjust. Complaints are also
                heard that Bahrain registration certificate are being destroyed by Iranian Govern­
                 ment officials.
                      It* would be helpful if Native Craft manifests were issued in D’bai, Sharja, and
                Kuwait, thus ensuring equality of treatment on the Arabian side of the Gulf.
                      1.  Accident within the Port. On the 10th February, 1939 (21st Dhur Haj
                 1357) the motor launch “Calkhobar” the property of the California Arabia Standard
                Oil Company Ltd., came into collision with a Persian boom laden with Fish (Oom)
                then lying at anchor. The boom was pierced and sank, and its cargo was lost, but
                there were no casualties. The question of compensation is now under negotiation.
                      2.  On 10th February, 1939 (21st Dhul Haj 1357) a Bahrain lighter loaded
                with 184 drums of petrol, lying alongside the Customs Pier was, with its contents,
                completely destroyed by fire. After considerable effort the fire was extinguished, and
                 there were no casualties.
                      Accident without the Port. On the 6fch July, 1938, while in transit
                between A1 Akhbar and Bahrain, the motor launch “ Calarabia ”, property of the
                California Arabia Standard Oil Company Ltd., caught fire at sea and became a total
                loss. Two American subjects and one Arab subject were lost at sea.
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