Page 234 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 234

                3. Traffic Control.

                       There has been a further deorease in motor accidents.
                                No. of aooidents      No. of persons killed
                                  investigated.       in motor accidents.

                           1356       56                      6
                           1357       20                      2
                           1358       12                      2
                       The public are acquiring more road sense and drivers are driving more
                 carefully. Road and driving regulations are being strictly enforced by the Police
                 and public vehicles are frequently inspected. It is now mainly on public holidays
                 that wild and reokless driving is conspicuous: on these occasions local drivers
                 appear to suffer from a speoies of dementia.
                       The number of motor vehicles registered during the year was 521: the number
                 of licensed drivers is 774, and 183 new drivers were tested and passed in 1358.
                 4. Crime.
                      There was little crime during the year. One murder took place: a mainland
                 Arab killed a prositute, he was tried, convicted and executed. Towards the end
                 of the year there was an increase in the number of thefts in Manainah which was
                 considered by some people to be due to changes in the personnel of the nature.
                 A number of prosecutions were made under the regulations for the control of prices
                 and sale of foodstuffs.
                       Altogether 469 persons were charged with criminal offences during 1358
                 of whom 182 were foreigners. In the case of Bahrain subjects all orirainal comp­
                 laints are included, in this figure even those of the slightest importance.
                           Number of cases of violence          86
                               „  of cases of theft             63
                               „  of persons convicted         355
                               „  of persons discharged        114
                           Miscellaneous                       166
                       There was a decrease in liquor cases which is partly due to the restrictions
                  which were placed on the sale of scents and lotions etc. which contained a high
                  percentage of alcohol. The Government bought up the existing stocks of eau de
                  cologne and eau de quinine which were being drunk by an ever-increasing number
                  of local inhabitants.

                                           Public Health.

                        Appointment and Suff. The appointment of Dr. M. M. MoDowall m.b., ch.b.,
                  d.p.h., d.t.m. h., m.c.o.g., as Lady Dootor as: from 21st. February 1939 was
                  mentioned in last year’s report.

                        Dr. I. Davenport Jones’s service with the Government was terminated on
                  6th November 1939.
                        MisB N. M. Harbottle was appointed Matron of the Government Hospital in
                  December. Miss'Harbottle had previously served in the Iraq Medical service for
                  about two years in Basrah and Baghdad.
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