Page 238 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 238
weekly. In addition to work at Suk-al-Khamis the dootor there visits, weekly, the
villages of Budeya, Karzakan, Sitra and Bafa.
Number of
Number of Number of
Goneral Dispensary minor
out-pationts in-patients
Police Dispensary from Feb. 1938
to 27th June 1939 17,853 3,261 660
Nairn Government Dispensary
from 27th June 1939 to Feb. 6
1940. (End of Arabio year) 9,030 134
Muharraq Dispensary 7,566 329
Suq-al-Khamis Dispensary 6,504 32
Hedd Dispensary 3,941 24
Women’s Dispensaries. Deliveries
Manaraah 7,647 30 37
Muharraq 6,406 35 84
Bafaa 692
Equipment has been improved at all the clinics and it is hoped, when the new
hospital opens, that patients who require it will be sent from the dispensaries for
more extended investigation and treatment.
Work in the laboratory at Naim hospital began on August 1st, 1939. The
following is a list of the examinations made :-
Laboratory tests.
Number of cases
Total number
found positive
1. Urines 85
2. Stools 68 37 AMOEBAE
3. Sputums 27 9 T.B.
4. Gonococci • •• 43 34
5. Blood counts 76
6. Blood for malaria
parasites 14 6
7. Blood for klien test ... 133 84
2. Health
As there is no oompulsory registration of births and deaths in Bahrain it is
not possible to give very detailed information about the health of the people, but
examination of several thousands of outpatients at the dispensaries gives some in
dication of the diseases prevalent in the ieland. No epideraio has occurred during
the year. A comparison of diseases amongst the male and female population showB
that in the main they suffer from the same general diseases :—
Men Women
Malaria 21% 12%
General disease 2%
Bespiratory „ 11% 10%
Alimentary „ 10% 13%
Eye diseases ' 19% 20%
Ear nose and throat 20%
Uloer8 8%
Women's diseases 10%
Atresia 3%
Bheumatio disease 6% 10%