Page 243 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 243
children should be carried out bi-annually. In view of the high incidence of malaria,
eye disease and malnutrition among the school boys, this recommendation would
appear to bo necessary. Sohool boys who are ill, attend Naim Government
Dispensary for treatment, on the advioe of the headmaster of the school.
The number of children suffering from diseases and defects in the girls’ sohool
is high. For this reason a weekly school treatment clinic is held in Manamah
School and a Nurse attends bi-weekly at Muharraq school to give treatment. It is
hoped that in this way minor ailments will be treated and much chronio disease
prevented. The attention to general hygiene is part of the teaching given by the
Nurse; no less than 37.3% of children in Manamah school were suffering from
unclean heads. All children found to be unvaccinated were, subject to consent of
parents, vaccinated in the schools.
Malaria, Respiratory disease and Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids, are the main
diseases from which the children suffer. Children with the latter complaint are
prone to attacks of Tonsillitis and Bronchitis. These in turn interfere with nutrition
and growth. General malnutrition iB common : 25% of children in Manamah school
suffer from this complaint.
4. Health of the Police.
During the year 1358 a total number of 6,172 police attended the police out
patient clinic : this is a higher number than last year, but the strengh of the police
force has increased from 321 to 347.
The following table gives information about the diseases for which the police
were treated :—
Malaria ... 35.1%
Rheumatism 4.2%
Dysentery 2.5%
Diseases of the Alimentary system 3.5%
„ Respiratory „ 8.6%
» Skin 1.2 "
„ Tooth 2.1%
„ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 7.3%
Surgical diseases ... 15.8%
Ulcers ... 16.5°
Gonorrhoea 1.8%
T.B. •3%
Syphilis •1%
Other diseases 1.0%
The average daily number of in-patients at the police dispensary was 8. The
following shows the diseases from which they suffered.
Malaria 52.1%
Pneumonia 2.8%
Surgical diseases 17 4%
Diseases of the Respiratory system 8.7%
„ Alimentary „ 10.8%
„ Nervous „ •7%
„ Urinary „ 1.1%
„ Syphilis „ •7%
,, Gonorrhoea „ 2.4%
Typhoid Fever „ •3%
T. B. 1.0%
Other diseases „ 2.1%