Page 266 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 266
A 3-phase overhead line was run on the existing polos between the Power
House and Yateem’s Ice Plant premises ('distance approximately 400 yards).
A now 3300/400 volt sub-station has boon erected and equipped at Naim
adjacent to the new hospital. One 3300/400 - 3-phase transformer has been
installed and put to work, and provision made for a duplicate. To feed the sub-
tation an underground high tension 3300 volt PILSSTA 3-core cable was laid from
“B” sub-station near Messrs. Gray Mackenzie & Co’s premises to Naim, a distance
of 1200 yards.
Alteration to Mains :—
One span of the high tension overhead line opposite the Government Garage
was removed and an underground cable substituted.
Air Conditioning:—
Eleven residences were equipped with 28 units in the summer of 1358, and an
additional seven units have been ordered for 1359.
A central conditioning installation is being put in the Air Liaison Offioer’8
office and residence during 1359, the supply being taken from the Government mains.
II. Government Telephone Department:
The number of subscribers connected at present is 83, and applications
continue to be received.
A new 50 line exchange was erected to meet the demand in 1358 and one
additional 50 line exchange has been ordered for 1359. The oldest of the three
boards was removed. The Department is self supporting.
Owing to the growth of the central exchange the number of overhead lines
radiating from it has caused overloading of the electricity pole lines on which they
are conveyed.
It is proposed to lay, in sections, multicore underground cables in place of
the overhead lines. In addition to releasing the strain on the existing poles, better
telephone reception should result, as line noises, etc., are often caused by the
swinging of the wire in high winds and by leakage through loose material caused by
dampness wind or by damp. Expenditure for this has been provided for in the Budget.
III. Transport Department:—
The following additions were made during 1358 :—
Two staff houses were built over the Garage to accommodate two of the
senior Power House staff.
A ramp for the examination and cleaning of vehicles was erected near the
The area surrounding the garage was fenced in to provide space for vehicles,
and the public footpath was diverted. # The usual servicing of government vehicles
was carried out during the year. Number of vehicles dealt with is 30—including
seven police motor-cycles.
IV. Fire Department
A number of small fires were extinguished by the Fire Department during the
year, and further suction pits have been placed in the town of Manamah for fire
purposes. The grouping of wells, mentioned under “Anti Malaria Campaign”, helps
in this matter, as it is now possible to put the pits along the routes of the feed pipes
to outlying districts.
V. Traffic Section:—
The State Engineer’s Department carried out the registration of all the
motor vehicles in the State (521 vehicles), and the testing of brakes, lights, eto., in
accordance with the Bahrain Government Motor Vehicle Proclamation of 1357.