Page 383 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 383
Laboratory Results.
Male Side. Female Side.
Kleins test for Syphilis 630 102
Stools .. 674 70
Blood 230 199
Sputum 166 39% positive for 32
Urethral Smear 144 2
Urine 101 127
Conjunctional Smear . 60 2
Miscellaneous 8 3
Totals 2,013 537
Women’s Dispensaries Showing Predominating Diseases 1360.
New cases. Old cases. Eyes. Gyneecolo- Mai. V.D.
M uharraq 3.331 4.874 624 1.591 239 268
Suk-Al-Khamis .. 1,694 2,941 117 185 9
Rifa’a .......................... 611 528 97 16 94 2
Manamah Girls’ School .. 545 1.557 106 3
Total Number of Deliveries: 1360.
Normal. Abnormal. Atresia.
M anamah 45 13 3i
M uharraq 100 8 29
Suk-Al-Khamis .. 1 1
Totals .. 146 22 60
The Police.
New cases 1.878
Return cases .. 4.253
Total 6.131
Total No. 372
Chief diseases were:—
Venereal Disease .......................... 82
Piles and Fistula .......................... 80
Malaria 48
Ophthalmia...................................... 63
Others.................................................. 120
Abscess, Ulcer and Boil 255
Injuries ...................................... 158
General Examination of 228 Police: March 1941.
Normal ...................................... 189
Venereal Diseases .......................... 10
Piles and Fistula ........................*. 21
Hernia.................................................. 3
Others.................................................. 5
Total 228
Their health on the whole has been fair. Malaria and Venereal disease predominated. The
general examination was purposely carried out to keep a check on the latter. Certain surgical neces
sities were also discovered and rectified, which accounts for the abnormally large number of in-patients.