Page 378 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 378

                           2. Bases arc kept supplied equally by the outgoing party in charge of Dr. Steele, consisting
                                 2 doctors,
                                 1  sub-assistant surgeon,
                                 7 dressers and
                                 9 police, trained in first aid.
                                 This party will have at its disposal,
                                 2  pick-ups to carry tj stretcher eases,
                                 2 private cars,
                                 2 Manamah buses.
                          This scheme was practised several times at night and found satisfactory. Equipment specially
                     for emergency use was made and stored for instant use for the pick-ups and in Muharraq dispensary.

                     Statistics of the Bahrain Government Hospital and Dispensaries for Year 1360
                      Out-paiienls.                                        Men.     Women.
                            New cases                                       9.047     5.039
                            Return cases                                   27.380     9.705
                            New cases                                       19.191    7.127
                            Return eases                                    19,620    11,900
                                                                            75.238   33.771
                         Hospital                                           1,138       443
                         Isolation Hospital                                   322
                                                                             1,458      443
                      Major Operations.
                         Hospital                                             442       90
                      Minor Operations.
                         Hospital                                            1,066       73
                         Dispensaries                                         786        25
                                                                             1.852       98
                         Hospital                                            6,617     1,029
                         Dispensaries                                        1.370      440
                                                                             7.987     1.469
                         Hospital.......................                     I.I59     r.459
                         Dispensaries and schools ..                         5.282      377
                                                                             6,441     1.836
                      Laboratory Examinations.
                         Hospital.......................                     2,013      537
                      Maternity eases ..                                                189
                      Mis-carriage, abortion ..                                          14
                      House visits .......................                              806
                         Summary of above:—
                            Total out-patients                   1,09,009
                            In-patients                            1,901
                            Operations                             2,482
                            Injections                             9.456 (5,124 quinine)
                            Vaccinations ..                        8,277
                             Laboratory examinations               2.550
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