Page 373 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 373


              List of Police Prosecutions in The Agency Court During 1360.
                                         Number of Number of  Number of Number of
                  Nature of offence.       Cases.   persons  persons   persons
                                                   accused.  convicted.  acquitted.
        Causing death by rash ana negligent act  i    i        i
        Thefts                             4i        45       3«         7
        Robbery . .•                        1         1        1
        Receiving stolen property           3         3        3
        Cheating.............................................  5  6  5   1
        Use of criminal force and assault   2         3        2         1
        Rape                                2         2        2
        Criminal breach of trust            1         1        1
        Distilling Liquor .......................  7  7        6         1
        Gambling ..................................  1  8      8
        Accidents ..................................  3  3     3
        Traffic Offences..................................  48  56  56
        Possession of arms without license  1         i        1
        Profiteering ..................................  1  1  1
        Non compliance of black-out regulations  8    8        7         1

                                           125       146      135        11

                                  PUBLIC HEALTH.

             It is possible now to review the work of the first complete year of the two hospitals. Unfor­
        tunately Dr. M. M. McDowall, the Lady Medical Officer, left in November for work in Iraq so that a
        detailed report on her work cannot be supplied.
             The Administration Block is nearing completion and the ground floor is in full use, that is, the
        offices, drug store, laboratory and X-Ray room. The machinery of the latter has been assembled
        and very satisfactory results have been obtained.
            Tho nursiug staff is now complete in both hospitals consisting of 17 full trained Indian male
        and female nurses. The system of dressors-in-training and young probationers is working well and
        most of them are carrying out consistently good work and are willing to learn. Every six months
        they arc given a test.
            Two new Indian doctors arrived during the year, Dr. S. N. Banerjcc, M.B.B.S., from Calcutta
        and Dr. M. A. Mohsin, Sub-Assistant Surgeon, from Pabna. The former is a new addition and the
        latter came to replace Dr. Lakra whose contract had terminated. There are four Indian doctors now.
        Dr. Bhandarkar returned to Muharraq in December 1941, after a year's useful work in Manamah.
        Dr. Kidarnath has been specially sfelegatcd to school medical work and the two new doctors are being
        trained in the Government Hospital.
             Out-patients. The statistics show a substantial rise in out-patients, more especially in the
        dispensaries which account for at least half. Eye infections predominate, malaria gave a high figure
        and skin affections, venereal disease and amoebic dysentery also predominate.
            In-patients. In-patients remain consistent at very nearly 100 a month on the male side,
        and are increasing on the women’s side. The Isolation Hospital has kept full throughout and, as
        can be seen, satisfactory curative results were obtained. The predominating in-patient disease
        remained the same, ophthalmia, hemorrhoidsand malaria. Deaths were reduced from 4 to 2.4 per
        cent and were mostly caused by pneumonia and seen in emergency moribund cases.
             Major operations. Haimorrhoids and fistula still give large figures. Eyes in the form of
        cataract extraction and iridectomy were also common. Hernia has increased a good deal and Harri­
        son’s intra-abdominal fascia grafting method was tried out successfully in many cases. Two of the
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