Page 374 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 374
most interesting operations were, a removal of Myeloma of the lower end of radius which had perforated
the bone and an excision of a mixed tumour of Parotid, both rarities.
Minor operations. Extraction of teeth gave the highost figures socondcd by eye operations.
Various forms of repair for Trichiasis were tried including mattress suture with or without cartilage
inclusion and one or two with mucous membrane grafts. The operation by any method still leaves
much to be desired and is certainly a great necessity here.
Injections. Injections reached a high figure this year. Malaria largely contributed as5,12.|
were quinine alone. 1,3-jo injections of N.A.B. for syphilis were given from both hospitals.
Vaccinations. Owing to a small epidemic of small-pox which commenced in August several
thousands of vaccinations were done throughout the island especially in Manamah, Muharraq, Ilodd,
Raffa, Sitra and Sakhir. An efficient measure was passed causing all cases to reside on the Quarantine
Island with money for food supplied by the government. Whole families were transported including
contacts. The jieople co-operated surprisingly well and Dr. Steele’s (the Quarantine Medical Officer)
arrangements wero extremely efficient and praiseworthy. The epidemic lasted till December. Al
together about 13.000 eases were vaccinated by all medical organisations. Sporadic cases are still
occurring chiefly from Manamah. The epidemic started in Ifalah, Muharraq.
Laboratory. This side of the work has increased threefold. The new room was occupied
in August and all apparatus can now be brought into use including culturing. More details regarding
the type of examination arc appended.
Anaesthetics. An interesting feature is the small amount of " generals" used. Spinals
(Pantocaine and Stovaine) number 269 and locals (either Pantocaine or Novocaine) came second.
The dispensaries. Muharraq has seen almost as many patients as the Manamah clinic and
their number of operations is surprisingly large. His Highness Shaikh Sir Hamad's visit to Arabia
in November provided Dr. Bhandarkar with some daily work. Malaria was found to be more common
proportionately in Budeya and venereal disease in Sitrah. Ophthalmia reached its highest figures in
Muharraq and Rafaa.
The Police. Small ailments have been the chief necessity. Malaria has been higher and
more venereal disease has been discovered.
The schools. No special examinations were mado this year. The school doctor, Dr. Kidar-
nath, has at last been installed as a separate unit with dresser and car, he is being responsible for every
government boys' school in the island. As he only started at the end of this year no figures can be
given till next year. It is hoped that most schools will be visited three times a week.
Anti~Malaria Measures.
Owing to the floods of previous November, pools, marshy land and moisture remained for
months in the island and so provided multitudinous sources for mosquito breeding whose results
became manifest in the spring. May and June were again peak months showing 20 per cent affected
in Manamah out of all patients. The average number for the whole year rose to ir per cent as opposed
to 6 per cent in 1359.
Results though disappointing at any rate proved the cflicacy of the work which was intensified
beforo each bad period of the year. It can only be concluded therefore that without this provision
malaria would have reached severe epidemic form as happened in parts of Iraq. Towards the end of
the year it was not so evident except in December. One c;lsc of Blaekwater Fever, a rare malarial
complication, was diagnosed in an English employee of the Bahrain Petroleum Company who died
of it. Previously only 3 or 4 eases have ever been reported on the island.
Chief results of anti-malarial work in 1360.
Manamah. Intensified measures against shallow well breeding. Owing to the temporary
abandonment of the Water Scheme the controlling of these wells has become a major
problem in malarial breeding months and as many as possible were closed.