Page 391 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 391

       of time being given to trade practice as the course proceeds. Provision is being made in the school
       for shorter and more intensive training courses which may be demanded at any time, especially in
       connection with possible wartime emergencies.
            The school equipment is still very inadequate and there is a serious shortage of materials in
       Bahrain, especially metals. A considerable quantity of European and American tools were purchased
       at the beginning of the session. These have temporarily eased the difficulties of working, particularly
       in the woodwork shop. Specifications have been prepared for machines, tools and materials required
       for continuing the work of the school and it is expected that most of these will be obtained from India
       in the near future.
            With the increase in the hours of class instruction the syllabuses of the courses have been
       entirely revised. All students now receive 3 lessons per week in elementary mathematics, 5 in
       English, 4 in drawing and 3 in trade technology. The teaching is shared between four of the five
       Syrian instructors, an English teacher of Bahrain nationality, and the Principal of the school.
       Arabic is the general medium of instmetion in the school, but the students arc becoming increasingly
       familiar with English. Their English should be of great advantage to them later in their employment
       or business, and specially useful to those who may proceed to more advanced technical studies.
            The woodwork department of the school has produced new carpentry benches and tool racks
       for the shop as well as complete sets of chairs and tables for the class-rooms. In addition the produc­
       tion of furniture and other articles for Government Departments and private customers has been
       continued. The work is of good standard and has provided useful practice for the students. Up to
       now it has been difficult to establish a steady flow of suitable work for the engineering shop. The
       students in this section have therefore been engaged almost entirely on training exercises consisting
       of precision practice pieces, small tool making and small pieces of forging and sheet metalwork. The
       shortage of metal has greatly restricted the range of these exercises. Engine refitting and general
       mechanical repair work is greatly needed in order to give the students practical experience in fitting
       and machinists’ work.
            A tribute is due to the teaching staff of the school for having adapted themselves so readily to
       new ideas and new tasks imposed on them during the difficult period of re-organisation.
                           THE MINORS* DEPARTMENT.
           The work done by this department continued to increase during the year and many applications
       were accepted by it from people who wished their property to be administered on their behalf by the
       department. Fifteen new estates were taken over including one which amounted to over Rs. 21,000.
       The total sum dealt with by the department was approximately Rs. 1,25,000. Seventeen immoveable
       properties were purchased consisting of houses and shops in Manamah on behalf of minors and orphans.
       Among the properties which were built by the department was a block of shops with flats above them
       on Shaikh Isa road. Over Rs. 31,000 was advanced to members of the public in the form of loans
       against mortgages on house property or gold ornaments.
           There was no change in the constitution of the department which consists of a committee
       under the presidency of Shaikh Salman bin Shaikh Hamad and a permanent clerical staff.
           Summary of receipts and expenditure :—
                    RECEIPTS.                         EXPENDITURE.
                               Rs. a. p.                             Rs. a. p.
       Balance from 1359 ..   35.316 3 3   Maintenance of heirs     8,020 8 ir
       Proceeds of estates ..   38.672 9 9   Properties bought      22,643 10 6
       Old debts recovered    10,156 11 0   Repairs and upkeep of pro­
       Rents collected        10,141 2 9     perties ..........................  18,814 10 3
       Refund of loans       26.997 0 6    Estate of Abdali Rajab and  8,728 8 2
       Interest on loans      2,910 4 6      Ali Toobchi......................
                                           Loans advanced          31,698 1 o
                                           Balance on hand (Eastern
                                             Bank) ..........................  34,288 8 11
                            1.24.193 15 9                         1.24.193 15 9
   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396