Page 394 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 394
Units generated for the year 1360 showed an increase of 9,125 over year 1359. Units sold
during the year 1360 showed an increase of 21,293 over 1359. The extra load connected amounted-
to 43 kilowatts. The nature of the new load connected during 1360 was as follows:—
Lighting and fans (461 points) . 18.5 kw.
Power (motors and bridge gear) 7-
Hospital appliances 2.
Air conditioning units • 15-
Refrigerators • 5
43.0 kw.
Revenue from units sold during 1360 amounted to Rs. 1,24.198-14-0 as compared with
Rs. 1,26,038-4-0 in 1359. Decrease Rs. 1,839-6-0. The decrease in revenue was due to:—
(а) the lighting restrictions (as imposed under Defence Regulations) ;
(б) a reduction in the price of electricity for lighting and fans (one anna per unit), which
reduced the annual income from this source by approximately Rs. 11,000.
108 premises were connected during 1360 as follows :—
in Manamah—92 ;
in Muharraq—17.
Total consumers connected to date—1,617.
Maximum load recorded—168 kw.
Total kilowatts connected to date—661.
Capacity of the generating plant, including standby is 400 K.V.A.
Wiring Contracts. The wiring of houses by local contractors continued, 461 points being
wired during the year as compared with 786 points in 1359. The falling off was due to general trade
depression and to some extent to the fact that wiring material is difficult to obtain.
Premises wired by the registered contractors were as follows :—
Haj Salman Zayani .. 48 premises.
Mr. Yusuf Moayad 7
Haj Abdurrehman Zayani .. 11
Messrs. M. A. Kohiji Bros. ..
This department carried out the wiring of Government and certain other premises as follows:—
Government Hospital—Surgery Block. (Ground floor.)
Extension to Government Technical School.
New Police Station at Muharraq.
Manamah-Muharraq bridge—control gear, etc.
Mains Extension. No major extensions were carried out during 1360 owing to the war but
the following work was done:—
(*) 440 volt extension from the end of Muharraq sea road to the Government School and
the house of Shaikh Khalifah bin Mohomcd Alkhalifah, a distance of 450 yards.
(u) A new 25 K.V.A. transformer was erected in P.C.L. premises in Manamah to relieve
the load on " B " substation, which feeds the bazaar area.
Air Conditioning. 50 air conditioning units were in operation during the year in public
and private buildings. Air conditioning was much appreciated during the hot season, and some
additional machines were ordered. The Government decided not to hire air conditioning units in