Page 414 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 414
Girls’ schools cost approximately Rs. 39,000 but an additional Rs. has been provided for
the purchase of new furniture, desks and tables, etc., and for certain alterations to existing buildings.
Public Health. R*. 2,64,000. The estimated expenditure on Public Health is Rs. 10,000
more than was estimated in 1360 although the actual expenditure in 1360 was Rs. 2,41,000.
Salaries of staff amount to Rs. 1,14,000. Provision has been made for certain additions and
replacements of staff.
The cost of quarantine services is less than last year, a personal allowance granted to the
previous Quarantine Medical Officer is no longer paid.
The sum allowed for the cost of drugs has been doubled, the increase in medical work necessi
tates more drugs, etc., and their price as well as prices of linen, dressings, etc., etc., have risen very
The same amount as during last year has been allowed for anti-malaria work. Certain sub
headings have been reduced and others have increased as a result of the experience of last year’s
working. The laundry costs, a large item, was omitted from the 1360 budget. The new budget also
provides for the A.R.P. medical scheme and for propaganda.
Public Protection and Defence. Rs. 4,00,000. Apart from the Civil List this is the largest
item of expenditure in the budget. About one quarter of this amount is directly due to the
war, being the cost of special defence forces. Included in this expenditure is the cost of the jail and
feeding of prisoners. The average number of prisoners during last year was greater than in previous
years owing to the confinement of numbers of Persians convicted of entering Bahrain without
In the 1360 budget the cost of Public Protection was estimated at Rs. 4,15,000, the actual
expenditure was Rs. 3,90,000, but since 1360 the cost of rations and uniforms and equipment has
increased very considerably.
Grants to Municipalities. Rs. 61,000. The Manamah and Muharraq municipalities each
receive a subsidy of Rs. 2,000 per month from the Government, in addition they are paid half of the
car taxes which are collected by the Government.
Agriculture. Rs. 15,000. Under this heading is included the cost of the experimental
garden at Budeya, the salary of the agriculturist and the upkeep of Government cattle.
Departmental Expenses. Rs. 12,000. This item includes postage, printing and stationery,
peons’ uniforms, lighting and replacements and general contingencies.
Upkeep of Roads and Government Buildings. Rs. 25,000. An additional Rs. 5,000 has
been allowed over the amount provided last year for roads and buildings.
Relief Measures. Rs. 11,000. Owing to the large amount of genuine poverty and want
in the towns of Manamah and Muharraq the Government distributes daily, through the two municipali
ties, dates and bread to aged and blind paupers.
ab-Muharraq Bridge. Rs. 12,000. Provision for the staff operating the bridge, toll
gate ticket collectors, electric power and upkeep of the bridge.
Special Public .Works. Rs. 44,000. The details of special public works contemplated
during the year are shown in the schedule to this heading. Owing to the difficulty in obtaining
building materials and the excessively high price of metal, wood and cement, several building projects
which were originally contemplated have been indefinitely postponed. Last Year’s Public Works
Department budget was for Rs. 3,86,000 but of this amount Rs. 2,25,000 was on account of the Mana-
mah-Muharraq swing bridge.
For Investment in Reserve Fund. Rs. 9,80,000. This amount, out of the anticipated
revenue, is to be added to the Reserve Fund. In addition any surplus during the year and part of the
balance frem 1360 will be invested. It is hoped that during the year it will be possible to increase the
Reserve Fund by 14 lakhs of rupees.
The Timei of India Press, Bombay,