Page 409 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 409

                Nationality.                        Year, 1359.    Year, 1360.
             Pacific-Java-Silver Line ..              12 S.            3 S.
             Norwegian Chartered
                                                                      20 S.
        U. S. A. (Panama):
             Isthmian S. S. Coy.                      14 S.           6 S.
             Kerr S. S. Coy. Ltd.                      2 S.

                                                     218             135
             Tankships, various                      102             116
                                       Totals        320             251

                              NATIONALITIES OF TANKSHIPS.
              Nationality.                         Year, 1359.    Year, 1360.
                                                       49             54
           Panama                                      35             48
           Danish ..                                   5
           Dutch ..
                                                       4              10
           Italian ..                                  2
           United States                               2
           Japanese                                    2
           South Africa                                1
           British ..                                  1               4
           Filipino..                                  1
                                    Totals           102             116
            Of the above cargo steamers, one hundred and five called at Manamah, and thirty called at
       Sitrah, while all the tankships called at Sitrah. The quantity of crude oil imported from Saudi-
       Arabia during 1360 was 1,46,647 barrels, all of which is admitted free of duty.
            The exports of Bahrein oil products during 1360 were:—
                                                 Drums.       Tons.
                   Crude Oil ..                     120           6
                  Gasoline                                   4.01.555
                  Diesel Oil                                 1.25.693
                  Fuel Oil                                   2.57.19°
                  Furnace Oil                      100         5.920
                  Kerosene Oil                    8,296      2.09,577
                  Lubricants ..                                 246
                                   Totals         8,516     10,00,187
       as compared with 9,76,059 tons in 1359.
            The Optional System : There can be no doubt that this system, which was devised to encourage
       importers to re-export goods lying in Customs’ charge by granting a refund of duty pre-paid, operated
       here with considerable success and did much to assist commercial prosperity. After the institution
      of the Food Control this option was vested in the Food Controller so that the permission to export
      should become subject to the necessities of local conditions. As the calls of the cargo steamers from
       India became more and more irregular, it became necessary to restrict such exports more and more so
      as to conserve within the State stocks suitable to local needs. This restriction has hampered the
      activities of local merchants by preventing them from exporting Japanese piece-goods, which are
      irreplaceable, to other States where there is now a dearth ; and it is noticeable that recently a highly
      pre table export trade had grown up as quite a new thing between Bahrein and Iraq, sometimes
      vta Kuwait. Since these goods have to be replaced by imports from India which involves shipping

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