Page 404 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 404



                                           CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT.
                     Report for the year 1360 by Mr. C. C. L. de Grenier, Director of Customs and
                                                  Port Officer.

                                    COMPARISON OF BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1359*1360.
                                                         Estimated       Estimated
                             Budget Head.                Collections     Collections
                                                           1359-           1360.
                                                            Rs.             Rs.
                        Customs and Import Yard           6,75,000        6,50,000
                        Pearling Licences ..               20,000          20,000
                        Craft Licences                      2,000           2,000
                                           Totals         6,97,000        6,72,000
                          It will thus be seen that the estimates were very conservatively budgetted, which was done in
                     view of the uncertainty of war conditions affecting trade in the Persian Gulf.
                         The actual receipts, as compared with the Budget estimates were :—
                                                  Estimated   Actual
                            Budget Head.         Collections  Collections   Increase.  Decrease.
                                                    1360.      1360.
                                                     Rs.        Rs.        Rs.        Rs.
                        Customs and Import Yard   6,50,000   7.56.964   1,06,964
                        Pearling Licences          20,000     12.144                7.856
                        Craft Licences ..           2,000      2,228        228
                                      Totals      6,72,000   7.71.336   1,07,192    7.856
                                              Increase .. Rs. 1,07,192
                                              Decrease .. Rs. 7,856
                                          Net Increase .. Rs. 99.336

                         It will thus be seen that in the Customs section of the collections there was a notable increase,
                     which of course must be regarded as theoretical only; and with this in mind, the differences between
                     the Budget estimates and the actual collections for 1360 may be compared with the same position
                     for 1359.
                        Year.               Customs Increase.  Pearling Decrease.  Craft Increase.
                                                 Rs.               Rs.              Rs.
                        1359                    1.76.832          8,648  <          411
                        1360                    1.06,964          7.856             228
                         Here it must be remembered that the estimates for Pearling Licences and for Craft Licences
                     were unchanged, but that for the Customs in 1359 was greater by Rs. 25,000. For this reason, and to
                     obtain a clearer view of the position it would be well to compare the actual receipts for these two
                                        COMPARISON OF ACTUAL RECEIPTS.
                                                   Year       Year     Increase.   Decrease.
                                                   1359-       1360.
                                                    Rs.        Rs.       Rs.         Rs.
                        1.  Customs and Import Yard..  8,51.832  7.56.964            94,868
                        2.  Pearling Licences ..   n.352      12,144       792
                        3.  Craft Licences          2,411      2,228                   183
                                  Totals          8.65.595   7.71.336      792       95.051
                                              Decrease .. Rs.   95.051
                                              Increase .. Rs.   792
                                           Net Decrease .. Rs.  94.259

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