Page 408 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 408


                                         BAHRAIN CRAFT REGISTRATIONS.
                                                             Small   Motor
                                             Wooden Barges, Motor   Launches Sailing   Total
                                                     Steel Launches and      Craft
                        Year, 1359
                     Registered Craft            1    15       8     102     930     1,056
                     Newly built                 1                     1       6       8
                     Newly registered            1                            11       12
                     Former fishing craft                                      5       5
                                   Totals        3    15       8     103     952    1,081
                     Less, in 1360
                     Sold and removed                                  5      40      45
                     Broken up                                                10      10
                     Lost at sea                                       1       3       4
                     Burnt in port                                             1       1
                     Stolen from port..                                        1       1
                     Removed from port                 1               1       1       3
                     Built for sale                                            1       1
                                     Totals .          1               7      57      65
                     Actual number of craft regis
                      tered at end of 1360 ..   3     14       8      96     895    1,016
                                     Totals     3     15      8      103     952    1,081
                         It will be noticed that the decrease in registrations is mainly in sailing craft; and the sales have
                     by no means been replaced by local construction, another result of poor pearling seasons. The sail­
                     making industry is also labouring under difficulty, as the needed twist fibre can be obtained from
                     India only under special permit.
                         The Port of Bahrain: The amenities of the port remain unchanged. During the winter of
                     1359-60 the T-piece at the head of the Pier was again badly battered. Extensive repairs have been
                     made which involved the re-construction of the pier frontage, and certain flights of steps were remade
                     so as to be usable. Certain other flights of steps broken by wear and tear have also been reconstructed.
                         In addition the old beacon at the Bab-al-Oqair, where there is a dangerous eddy, which  was
                     re-built in 1939, had been battered to pieces, and had to be re-built. This was risky and difficult
                     work, and it remains to be seen if the newly designed construction will resist the battering of stormy
                         During the year 1360 two hundred and fifty-one foreign steamers visited this port (excluding
                    visits from H. M/s Warships and the L.T. ' Nearchus' on buoy-lighting duty), as compared with
                    three hundred and twenty in 1359, and four hundred and six in 1358.
                                          VISITS OF FOREIGN STEAMERS.
                       Nationality.                            Year, 1359.    Year, 1360.
                         B. I. S. N. Coy., Ltd.                  137 to-          48 M.
                         British Chartered                                        35 to­
                         Strick-Ellerman                         17 S.            il S.
                         Asiatic S. N. Coy., Ltd. ..              5 M.
                         British Tanker Coy., Ltd.               17 M.            18 M.
                    JAPANESE:                                   176              112
                         Mitsui Line ..                           4 M.             2 M.
                         Yamashita Line                          10 M.             2 M.
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