Page 137 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 137

in the orld to hae to find elanation of hy there ere so many burial mounds
here and erhas a natural elanalion butl for eole ho did not no Bahrain a
natural elanation that eole had been brought to be buried in Bahrain, Dr.
Cronall had been oer in Saudi Arabia too and he realised as e realised that no
body ho ould lie in Saudi Arabia and only to come to Bahrain to be buried.
Bahrain had ater and green fields and all things to mae life leasanl nobody come
here to be buried. ٨nd e no no of course there ere ton and e had looed
for. The burial mounds and if you ant to dig then you obiously you ould dig in
the burial mounds. But you come in order to understand Bahrain you got to loo for
laces here eole had lied and you ill find something there is ٦o doubt about
it. There is no question that the eole ho ere buried in the burial mounds of
Bahrain are eole ho lied in Bahrain. There as a suggestion about 1 years ago
that some of the eole ho ere buried in Bahrain may had come from abroad
because Bahrain as non as an lsland of the blessed and lsland of youth and
immortality and so it ill be a good lace to be buried. And ould be alays a
ossibility but there as no eidence on that you yourself hae dug many burial
mounds if there ere eole ho had come from other laces and they ould hae
things ith them that they had brought ith them, they ould be able to tell if a
foreigner had been buried in Bahrain ho digs him u can tell that he as a
foreigner. And thin in ractical e no it if there is any eidence reimnd you
that e no that there ere eole from Haraian ciilisation liing in Barhain and
 lied here and buried here soon or later you ould robably find the burial and you
ould find something that tell you that he as a merchant came from there or from
Mesootamia that sort of thing so Bahrain as a lace lied in by a ery large
number of eole. Dilmonians or hateer they called themseles and those had
been buried here. Of course the reason hy there as such a large number is simly
because in many art of the orld eole are gone into ashes or they ere buried
under the ground ithout a mound aboe them and you cannot see that they are
there. n Barhain eerybody seemed to ish to hae his on mound on grae and
a mound aboe it, so could be ihs lace of burial and could be non to ihs family
and to any body to ass by. thin they must hae been indeendent eole of

A : What is the meaing of the ame of Dilmun and here it came rfom

B: hTe sumeriasn first rote it in to selebules idui and nobody nos hat
does that mean but the sumeirans had some coneniton to rite it indui and
ronounce it iDlmun. We don't no certainly in the Babyloinan dialogue and
Adian itmes in the Mesootamia sea Seimitc language they called it Dilmun or
Tilmun. hTey ere not quiet sure. D ere the Assryian as T. So e htin of it
originally it as ronounced. Dilmun and then it as called Dilmun and later it as
called Tiloon and that became in Gree Tylos. But hat it means don't o.
ish 1 ould lie ery much to me that does mean to seas (Bahrain) because if
there is one thing taht it sered it is that is the imortant thing about Barhain that it

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