Page 141 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 141

A : oo tell ٦e abot yor role in establisling the aareness fo archaeology here
in Bahain and ho tHe Historicnl Society stated

B : Well e alays needed the hel of the eole ho lied here. They ere many
eole in Bahrain among Bahrainis and ealriates ho ere interested in the history
of the laces here they ere liing. They alays came oul in great ٦umbers to see
hat e ere finding and to isit our digs, and tell us about other laces ere they
might hae ifnds or ots or tell us about some things found in a garden that sort of
thing. And e alays needed these hels from eole. The local eole ho no
so much more than e do and ee in closer touch ith hat had been found. And
e thought, they ought to get together and ought to meet in order to discuss hat
e found. And so it as suggested thin the suggestion came first from James
Hamad Belgrae at the time he as oring for the goernment of Bahrain. He as
sort of Directorate of nformaiton. He as oring in sreading the noledge of
Bahrain in other counrties and to the Bahrainis as ell. So he as interested in our
or and he as the one ho suggested this Society. am not quite sure, but it
should be later than 19 or 194 robably 19 to 196. thin in 194 but am not
quite sure. The Society occasionally met mainly to tell us about items found.

    : Can you eember ay othe aes of the ebe٣s of the Society at that tine o
  bhio as the President

 B : am afraid not, no James Belgrae as the Secretary, and he as more than
 Secretary hen there as no President am not quite sure.

A : Do you e٤embe٢٧ any Bahraii names

 B : o ould suggest to as Mr. ousif A Shirai. cannot remember hether he
 as. But no he as one of the eole ho ere ery interested he as in the
 Minisrty of Educaiton at that itme and tihn he may had something there. don't

A : Where ‫ﺩ‬as the ifrst meeting held

 B : hTe ifrst meeting as far as remember as at the Adisorate, the house of
 Charles Belgrae at as umman. am not een sure of that.

A : Did you get any suotr rfom the Socieyt

 B : o donaitosn, hTey don't hae money at that time. We got hte suort rfom the
Goermnent of Barhain and Sh. Salman and also from Denmar.

A : Did you irte any aticle about ٤he Socieyt at that time

 B : o e ublishde our on reorst eery year in MUL in rAbus Museum

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