Page 144 - DILMUN 16_Neat
P. 144
TEVE Wrr PoFEsso B٥
Pofressor Biby as iited by the Minisrty of lnforation
in co-oeration ith the
Bahrain Historical and Archaeological Society.
This is an interie ith Pofessor Biby by M.r Abdul Ai
Soaileh, Pblic elations Oiffcer of the Society
dring his isit to Bahrain in January 199
A : D., Biby Ho old are you and hen yo did start o i Bahrain.
B : am no. started my archaeological or in Bahrain in December 19 and
as 6 years old then.
A : no that originally you ere ٤ot an archaeologist.
B : o, secialied in Archaeology. (hen as 1). decided to dig in the Middle
East in Mesootamia. At that itme neer heard about Bahrain and it as urely by
chance that came to this art of the orld. anted to dig in the Middle East
because there as no ossibiliyt in that art of the orld for emloyment of
Archaeologist, so got or ith raq Pertoleum Comany, thining that they ould
send me to raq and ould be able to no something about digging in
Mesootamia. But instead of sending me to lraa, they sent me to a little sland in the
Arabian Gulf called Bahrain. They told me to things about Barhain. Barhain as
famous of to things haing large hite doneys and it as famous of haing a
ery large number of graes. That as all hat they told me about it. When came
here sa the doneys but you canot see htem any more. And sa the graes
and as an archaeologist as ery interested.
A : So you studied Archaeologﻫ
B : es sutdied Archaeolog ﻫin the beginning before came to Barhain.
Archaeologﻫ, Ancient languages and cuneiform.
A : Ho did you decide to do archaeological ecaations in Bahrain ln anothe
ord ho did you arrange the ifrst archaeological mission to Bahrain
B : Well, after three years in Barhain ith the oil comany, (194-1949), ent bac
to Euroe and ifinshed my conrtact ith that comany. By that itme had married
a Danish girl. ent bac ifrst to Denmar. n my ay to England as going to
loo for a or as an archaeologist. But hile as in Denmar met ith Danish
archaeologists and they ased me to stay and or at the museum of Arhus. So