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exhibition hall. The Art Gallery roides regularly changing art exhibitions featuring
local and isiting artists. The Ministry of Information has encouraged the national art
moement through its suort of numerous exhibits, and atronage of the arts in
general. The Gallery actiely acquires ors of art by Bahraini artists ho dra uon
all asects of the country and its eole in creating art forms hich cature the
unique flaor and atmoshere of Bahrain.
The art colleciton is striing for its sontaneity of style and exression. A
signiifcant number of ors in the colleciton are concerned ith deicting earlier
lifestyles, While the Museum acquires a heritage collection before the ast disaears
ith urbaniation, so do Bahrain's contemorary artists orrtay the earlier days of
earl diing, date aim lantations, gardens, finishing, quiet illage life, and
falconry.ln the ast fe years Bahraini artists hae on aards in international
cometitions, and some Bahraini artists' ors hae the status of inestment items.
The Museum's ermanent collection includes mainly aintings, lithograhs, and
atercolors, as ell as ceramics and sculture. The colleciton is a reresentatie
samle and does not claim to be a comrehensie and exhausite resentation of the
isual arts in Baahrain today. The ors resently on exhibit, hoeer, hae been
chosen to resent ieers a ide assortment of or by artists actie in Bahrain
today. In many of the art ors it is ossible to idenitfy the Arab or lslaimc
inlfuences underlying their deeloment and influencing the artists. Calligrahy is
incororated ith the arious media in both traditional forms and in more abstract
aroaches, hTe distant ast can be seen deicted in the landscae aintings of some
artists. hTere exﻂssta dualism, of desert or lantation and sea, aarent in many of
the ors of contemorary Baahraini artists. More recently e hae eidence of
Bahain's on aritsitc exression emergﻫng in ne forms including urely
nonreresentational art. ihTs arieyt has flourished ith the encouragement of the
goermnent and Miinsrty of informaiton.
Visitors to the Bahrain National Museum can mae a quic tri to ie a
channigg exhibit or they can send hours or een an entire day ieing and reading
aobut items on dislay. Eeyrone at the end of their isit agrees that the Museum has
something to offer each isitor. hTe Barhain National Museum is a source of ride for
Baaarhain and is a fitting reository for resering and dislaying Bahrai'ns culutral