Page 450 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 450


                                                  TABLE No. IT.

                              Return of Principal Article* of Export from Bahrain during the pear 1686.

                                                    1686.                   1886.
                                              Quantity.    Valeo.     Quantity.    ▼sloe.

                                                            fi                       fi
                       Animals, Living (Horses)   105      42.000     110           43.800
                       Canvas   .   .   •    2,160 cwts.   1,21,000  2,133 cwts.   1,19,500
                       Coffee   •            *>443   „     95.000    *,327   „      90.500
                       Cotton Goods           800 bales   1,99,500    786 bales    1,95,800
                       Thread and Twist        86  n        9,760      79  »»        9,000
                       DatCB                17,930 cwts.   75.300   17,643 cwts.    74,109
                       Dni^s and Medicines    857  r>      13,100     828  ,,       12,650
                       Grain and Pulse .    55,505   *    2,89,700  43,970   „     2,29; 500
                       Hides and Skins .      850 bundles.  £7,200    828 bundles   26.500
                       Mats ....                           11.300                   10.800
                       Oil ...               3,036 cwts. .  19,250   2,983 cwts.    15,600
                       Pearls                            18,21,000                17,44,000
                       Provisions and Oilman's             24.000                   24.300
                       Silk Manufactures of   2,000 pieces .  20.000   2,130 pieces   21.300
                       Spioes                 766 cwts. .   51,700     730 cwts.    49, 300
                       Sugar, Soft .         1,320 „   .    17,500    1**45   „     16,590
                       Tobacco                2,451  „   .  40.000    2,3S5 ,,.     39,01/0
                                               867 candies.            780 candies
                       Timber and Wood    {   8,660 rafters . }  13.000  7,800 rafters }  11,700
                       Woollen Goods                        12.300                  11,700
                       Other articles                     2,09,380                 1,99,555

                                Total                     31,11,980               29,45,005
                                Specie                    6,99,000                 6,50,000

                       GRAND TOTAL                       38,10,980                35,9S,«05

                                                 • TABLE No. 18.

                              Return of Principal Article* of Import* into Bahrain during the pear 1836,

                                                    1886.                   1886.
                                               Qqmi%.      ▼d oo.     Quantity.

                                                            B                        &
                       Animals Living (Horses)   76         33.000      72           31,750
                       Arms and Ammunition ,                14,160                   15,380
                       Cattle                23,000 head    67,500   20,400 head .   61,000
                       Coal ....              6,970 cwts.   15,860    6,846 cwta. -   18,800
                       Coffee                8,471  „      135.000    8,286 *.  • •.  1,27,800
                       Coir and Coir-rope    *,380  „ .   . 18,100    2,280 „ •    . 17,200
                       Confectionery and Pre­               10,760                   8,200
                         serves.                                               I
                       Cotton Goods   .   .   1,290 bundles   3,22,600  ],244bundles .   3,11,000
                       Thread and Twist        *80 „        26.000     206 „ .       23,200
                       Cotton, Raw   .   ,    3,200 ewts.  1.12.000   8,243 cwta. .  1,18,600
   445   446   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455