Page 455 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 455

R£8l&EH(N AH# MlftCif P6lifl6At Atffctfd* *0B 188*40.  48

                                      fART IV.

                          MU8CAT TRADE REPORT FOR tHR TEAR 1886*7.
               ho returns show a decided improTemett Over the preceding year, which must, I think, be
          attributed to the more peaceful feeling in the interior induced by the promise of support to
          His Highness Scyyid Toorkee made by the Government of India. The customs were fanned
          to a Banin for dolldre 117,000.
                                                   E. MOCKLER, Lieut.-Colonel,
                                  Her Britannic Majctlfi Political Agent and Connl, ilutcat.
              Tie 21tl if ay 1897.
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