Page 457 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 457
Ettrnate for the year 1686-87—continued.
Value la
Artidb*. Quantity. Dollar*. To what place chiefly exported.
Fish, Sounds • 6,500 in No.. 1,100 India.
Shark Fins. • • 676 bags . £,600 II
Pearls . • 65.000 II
Mother-o’-pearl . 300 candies. 20.000 II
Cotton . 1,750 bales . 25.000 »
„ fabrics 300 boxes . 16.000 Zanzibar, Yemen, &c-
„ seeds 3,000 bags . 6,500 India.
Rose leaves . 75 „ . 375 India, Africa, See.
„ waters 700 karbas. 700 »» n
Pomegranate skins and needs 10 bags . 50 India.
Henna 380 „ . 800 Persian Gulf and Bnsrah.
Opium . • • 5 chests . 4,000 Zanzibar.
Wheat . . • 4,700 bags . 14.000 India and Mauritius.
Rice .... 48,000 „ 180,000 Persian Gulf.
Jowaree . • 900 i> 2,200 Mckran and Yemen.
Ghee • • • 125 skins . 1,800 Mauritius.
Sugar 800 bags 6,500 Persian Gulf.
Salt .... 20,000 bahrs. . 45.000 India and Zanzibar.
Red ochre ... 500 „ . 950 India.
Madder 125 bags . 700 India and Oman.
Assafoduda ... 10 skins . 100 India.
Garlic 50 bags . 150 Zanzibar.
Musk . • • 25 bottles. 1,200 Persian Gulf.
Aloes wood 10 boxes . 2,500 »
Incense ... 40 „ . 1,000 M
Shunna • . • 250 bags . 1,200 India.
Senna leaves . 40 „ . 150 India and Persian Gulf.
Dragon16 blood . 200 casks . 800 Persian Golf.
Budebud . 1,200 bags • 2,200 Red Sea Ports.
Goats1 hair 7 5 bales . 300 Basrah.
Holwah 200 boxes . 4,COO India, Mauritius, &c.
Otto of roses 3 „ 1,000 India and Mauritius.
Canvas, Arabian • 500 rolls . 2.500 Red Sea Ports.
Rafters . 450 scores . 1.500 Persian Gulf.
Donkeys ... 135 in No.. 2,000 India and Mauritius.
Oil, keroaiitf • . . 8,500 boxes . 14.000 Persian Gulf.
JfcnflQcanK «dh£3h . „ 400 bales . 74.000 P
XT,rxd ... 45 „ . 500 India.
Ri£»ef ... 2 boxes . 150 Persian Gulf.
Maftfings* ... 3,000 bundles. 7,000 m
30,000 n
Total 1,092,480
Specie. 355, tOO
GRAND TOTAL 1,447,480
EHimate for the year 1886-87,
?> . Quantity. Ttlaeii Benurkt-
A ( Rice, Bengal . 140,000 bags . 520,000
*o .» Mafldhar. 450 moorahs . 1,000
Rea 375 bags 1,200