Page 462 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 462


                         Contrasted statements slowing tie number of Vessels entering and leaving tie Port of

                                                          Ik tub official tea*
                                       CW                                  Incrooao In  Docrrfuw In
                                                          1885-86.  1886-87.         1886-87.
                                                          Number.  Number.  Number.  Number.
                                  B. Native Craft.
                         India .                          151      170       19
                         Fenian Gulf                       74       45                29
                         Mckran                            82      102       20
                         Yemen   \ •                       28       25       2
                         Zanzibar                          28       80       2        • ••

                                              Total       858      872       43       29

                         GRAND TOTAL, A and B .           465      475       49       39


                           Contrasted Statement shoeing tie Value and Description of Goods exported fron Muscat.

                                               Estimate fob the year 1886-87.

                                                         Fob the official yeab
                                                                           Increase ia   Decrease in
                                                          1885-86.  1886-87.  18S6-87.  1886-87.
                                                          Dollar®-  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                        Dates (pressed]                   175,000  198,700  83>700
                             (<ky) •                      150,800  155,605   4,800
                          „ (black)                        56.000  70,450   14,450
                          „ (fard)                         50.000   56,000   6,000
                        Date juice                          1,400     900             500
                        Fruit .                           26.000   35,000    9,000
                        Dried limes .                     21,000   20,800    • ••     200
                        Raisins                              100      250     160
                        Flams                              1,100    1,300     200
                        Almond*                              250      350     100     • ••
                        Walnuts and skin                     100       60              40
                        Tamarind                             515      545      30
                        Fish                               9.500    11.500   2,000
                         • „ small, for manure •           2,000    1,800             200
                          „ sounds .                       1,200    1,100    • ••     100
                        Shark fin .   ;                    1,600    2.500    1,000    • ••
                        Pearls ....                       41.000   65.000   24,000
                        Mother-o'-peari                   16.000   20.000    5,000    • ••
                        Cotton                             6.500   25.000   18,500    • ••
                          „ fabrics                       17,600   16.000            1,500
                          » eeoda .                        4,350    6.500    2,150
                        Rose leaves .                        625      375    • ••     260
                          „ water                            750      700              50
                        Pomegranate skins and seeds          80        50    • ••      so
                        Henna .      ,                       900      800             100
                        Opium .      ,                     2,000    4,000    2,000    • ••
                        Wheat                              12,600   14,000   1,600
                         Rioe ...         *               200,000  180,000          20,000
                        Jowaree                                                       800
                                                           3,000    2,200
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