Page 463 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 463


           Controlled Statement tkowing Ike Value and Deicnption of Goodt exported from

                                          FOK Till OFFICIAL TUX
                                                            Increase In   Decrease In
                      Articles.                             1886-87.  1886-87.
                                           1685 80.  1886-87.
                                           Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
        Ghee •    •                         1,500    1,800     800
        8ugar •   .   •                     6,000    6,500     500
        Salt .                              82,500   45,000  12,500
        Ked ochre                             350      950     600
        Madder    •   •                     1,150      700               50
        Aseafcetida .   •                      40      100      60
        Garlic                                150      150
        Musk      •   •                     5,000     1,200   • M      8,800
        Aloes wood •                        8.500    2,500             1,000
        Incense   •                         1,200     1,000             200
        Shunna    .                         1.500     1,200             800
        Aloes .   .   •                       250                       250
        Senna leaves   •                      175      150               25
        Dragons' blood   •                    700      800     100
        Budebud                             1,300    2,000     700
        Reed pens
        Goat's hair .                         150      800     150
        Cowries   .   •
        Hnlwah    •   •                     4.000    4.000             • ••.
        Otto of roses                       1,500    1.000              500
        Canvas, Arabian                     2,100    2.500     400
        Rafters                             2,200    1.500              700
        Donkeys                             8.000    2,000             1,000
        Oil, kerosine                       15,000   14,000            l,0i»0
        Cloves    .   .                       500                       500
        American cloth                     116,000   74,000           42,000
        Wool .    .   .                      1,200     500              700
        Rides .                               400      150              250
        Paper .                               500                       500
        Mat bags                             8,000    7,000            1,000
        Miscellaneous articles              82,000   S0,W)0            2,000

                                 Total    1,043,585  1,092,480  139,890  79,945
                                 Specie    850,000  855,000   5,000
                        GRAND TOTAL       1,892,535 j 1,447,480  144,890  79,945

         Contratted Statement tkowing Ike Value and Description of Good* imported into Muteat.
                              Estimate joe the team 1886-87.

                                           PUB TKB OFTTCTAl TUI
                                                             Increase in   Decrease in
                                                             1886-87.  1886-87.
                                           1886-86.  188C4JT.
                                            Dollars.  DoRars.  DoBsrs.  Dollars.
           C Rice, Bengal .                 460,000   520,000  60,000
         s  \ n Malabar                      4,000    1,000            3,000
         2*  1  „  Red                         500    1,200   . 700     i..
             Wheat .                         4,500    9,000    4,500


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