Page 503 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 503
1. Return of principal articles of export from Bushire during the year 1887.
2. Return of principal articles of import iuto Bushire duriug the year 1887.
3. Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and imported to,.Basbire
from and to foreign countries, during the years 1886 and 1887.
4. Return of shipping at the Port of Bushire in the year 1887.
6. Return of British shipping at the Port of Bushire during the year 1887.
6. Return of foreign shipping at the Port of Bushire during the year 1887.
7. Statement showing the quantity of opium exported from Bushire from 1st January to
31st December 1887.
8. Statement showing the total quantify and value of opium exported from Bushire and
Bunder Abbas during the years 1878 to 1887.
9. Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods exported from
Bushire during the years 1883 to 1887.
10. Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods imported into
Bushire during the years 1883 to 1887.
11. Return of principal articles of export from Lingah during the year 1887.
12. Return of principal articles of import into Lingah during the year 1887.
13. Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and imported to, Lingali
from and to foreign countries, during the years 1886 and 1887.
14. Return of shipping at Lingah in the year 1887.
15. Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods exported from
LiDgah during the years 1883 to 1887.
16. Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods imported into
Lingah during the years 1883 to 1887.
17. Return of principal articles of export from Bunder Abbas during the year 1887.
18. Return of principal articles of import into Bunder Abbas during the year 1887.
19. Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and imported to, Bunder
Abbas from and to foreign countries, during the years 1886 and 1887.
20. Return of shipping at the Port of Bunder Abbas in the year 1887.
21. Statement showing the quantity of opium exported from Bunder Abbas from the
1st January to the 3l6t December 1887.
22. Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods exported from Bunder
Abbas during the years 18S3 to 1887.
23. Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods imported into Bunder
Abbas during the years 1883 to 1887.
24. Return of principal articles of export from Bahrain during the year 1887.
25. Return of principal articles of import into Bahrain during the year 1887.
26. Table showing total value of all articles exported from, and imported to, from
and to foreign countries, during the years 1886 and 1887.
27. Return of shipping at the Port of Bahraia in the year 1887.
28. Return of principal articles of-export from the Ports of the Arab Coast of the Persian
Gulf during the year 1887.
_ it , Return of principal articles of import into the Ports of the Arab Coast of the Persian
Gulf during the year 18b7.
^ TvWe showin&tbo value of "tides exported from, and imported to, the Ports
Ara'> 005181 °f th° Per8ian Gulf fr0m *** to foreiSn entries, during the years 1886 and
i Wi.
188781 RetUrn °f Bhippin& at tbe Porta of Arab Coast cf the Persian Gulf in the year
s 2