Page 508 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 508


                                               TABLE No. 7
                   Statement showing the Quantity of Opium exported from Bttthire from 1st January to Slit
                                               December 1887,
                                                     To     To            To      To
                                                   London.  Honokoho  CONSTAN­  fiUKZ.  Muscat.
                            JBt what Stumhbb.
                                                    No. of   No. of   No. of   No. of   No. of
                                                    Chest*.  Cheat*.  Cheat*.  Cheats.  Cheats.
                   By b ten me re of the British India Steam
                    Navigation Company, Limited •     331    632                   1
                   By steamers of the Bombay and Persia
                     Steam Navigation Company, Limited .  159  1,100      • ••
                   By steamers of the Persian Gulf Steam
                     Ship Company .                   497     40    15    • «4    • ••
                   By French Steamers .   .   .   .     8                  1
                   By Miscellaneous Steamers .        146                  9

                                         Total       1,141  1,772   15    10      1

                                GRAND TOTAL                    2,939 Chests.

                                               TABLE No. 8.
                   Statement showing the Total Quantity ov.d Value of Opium exported from Bushire and Bunder
                                       Abba* during the years 1878 to 1837.
                              Bdbhibb.  Bundzk               Beam.   ' Dittoes
                                            Total No.,                        Totifi Fake
                      Tub.                   of cmcl'  Izul
                               No. of  No. of                Talar in  Taint 3a
                               Cases.  Cases.                          Eapeo.
                   1878 .      5,100   800   5,900   1878   61,00/100  8,00,000 \ 59,00,000

                   1879 .      4,9711  950   5,9211  IS79   51.52.000  0,50,000  61,02,000
                   1880 .      5,1*21  1,000  6,1221  1880  62.12.000  12,00/KW  74,12,000
                   1881 .      5,475  2,000  7,745   LSSl   57.45.000  20,00/KW  77,45,000
                   1882 .      4,512  2,160  6,672   ISS'2  36.55.000  17,28,COO 51,85,006

                   1883 .      3,657  1,409  5,066   1883   83.08.000  U,72,000  46,40,000
                   1884 .      3,806   702   4,008   1884   83.06.000  7.02.000  40,08,000
                   1885 .      4,258   740   4,993   1885   42.53.000  5.92.000  48,45,000
                   1886 .      4,243  1,833  6,081   1886    42.43.000   14,70,400  67,12,400
                   1887 .      2,9391  1,605  4,5441 1887    29,39,500  16.05.000  45,44,500
   503   504   505   506   507   508   509   510   511   512   513