Page 509 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
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                                      TABLE No. 0.
          Cm t rested Statement showing the value and description of goods exported from Bu shire, during
                                   the years 1883 to 1887..
                                                  Fob tbi rua
                                  1C3S.    104.      ■1688.    1B8C.     1N7.
          AjdI»K Liring.   .•   •  78,050   54.160    96,400    68,900    64,900
          Crtb ....                8,800    60,000     6,000    18,000    16.000
          Canao. R«w              8,35,000  7,87,600  9.32.800   6,26,250  10,09,200
          iHXfll •    •   •        23,000   66,330    76,500    72.700    28,180
          Dnyi sad Medicines .     48,750  1,00,130   60,120    81,030    18,7b0
          Djriu? sod Colouring Materials   62,650  66,570  61,580  61,420  46.270
          Fraio and Vegetables.   1.86,150  1,24,550  1.62,700  1,38,340  1.81,490
          Grata ad False •   .    831.400  437,350   2.34.200   60,640    28,820
          Qsa      .   .   .       6,950    64.730    66,600    69,690    68,080
          Bides cut Skins.         17,100   89.7G0    48,080    62,160   1,40,040
          Kcult ....               24,400   10.G50     4,000     3,400    48,850
          Ofrira ....            83,68,200  33,06.000  42,53,000  42,43,000  29,39,600
          Para ....                          2,000              11.700    27.500
          FerfaciiTJ....           83,450   39,580    87.170   1,26,350  1,68,580
                and Oilman’s stores   23,COO   55,350  32,410   81,130    62.500
          Sod} ....                40,250   4*,480    38,050    43,040    89,940
          STu Raw .               8,45,300   1,42.900  86,870  1.19.560  1,70,200
          7ob»acc> ....           4,31,800   4,66,050  6,28,600  3,10,680  4,51,300
          Wod                      4.800     14,850   14,760    19.700    41,760
          WocHra Goods            3,93,000   1,96,800  1.39.800  4,19,700-   2.00,400
          (X&x articles           1,65,250  96,620   1.58.200  1,23.860  1,08,-100
                       Total     61,90,300  61,69,850  70,56,920  65,91,130  68.19,690
                   Specie '   .   8,82,000  5,61.720  3,88,250  5,98,860  4,29,860
                GRAND TOTAL      73.72,300  67,34,570  74,45,170  71,89,990  62,49,650
                                      TABLE No. 10.
           Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported into Bushire durina
                                    the years 1883 to 1887.               * y
                                                   Fob thb mu
                                  1883.     1881.     1886.    18S6.     1887.

          Asatiir, Living           700      12,080    4,600
          Anai zod Ammunition .    30,700    65300    21.900   1,68,260    6,100
          CBD&a ....               22,300    15,150   12,200              34,940
                ....               61,500                       27,050    37,160
          Cotton Goods           70,62,500  1,56,100  29.000    27,660    15,980
          Tfcread and Twist       1,41,000  49,66,000  61.22,320  37,60,900  46,46.900
          Pngs and. Medicines .    69,700    78,800    59.600   26.920    32,250
          tyring uui Colouring Materials   7,600      76.000   1,34,520   91,280
          Fuel ....                19,400    7,900    18,200     9,230     4,270
          GlBMiud Glassware !   1  64,800   1,27,600   16.000   84.000    24,950
          Cold Emboidered Cloth    .19,000   65.000  1.24.100   87,930   1.00. 360
           Da Lace                                     4,400     7.300     3,000
           6a Thread, lee. . s   }  29.000   67.000   94,400    68,270
          Cnia and Pulse          1,23,900   86,900                      1,01,400
          Hardware and Cutkrj* ’   22.000    30.000   27,300    66,600   1.00. 600
          Hides and Skins.          6,600             54,150    24,600    68380
          Indigo                  4.47.700   18,400   20,070    26,500     8,480
          Jute, Raw                         1,84,500  6,67.600  6.38,400  6,19,300
          Do. Manufactures of  )   87.400    64.000   40,760    13.000    40,660
               Wines and Spirits   26,000    19.600   12.600    28.700
           Da. Manufactures of   25,41,700  9,95,300  9,03300  6,88.070  7,41.680
             . .                   25.600    13.600   23,240    69,260    49.000
          lorcelain and Chinaware   1.17.000   25300  28,060    20,620    34.000
          Froriaions and Oilman’s  stores  65,900   1.70.800   1,81,510  68.000   1.26,200
          Slk. Manufactures of               8,250    44,180    87.900    70.550
                                   61.600    42.000   48,200
                                  1,83,100  Ml,820   1,68.000   29,200    47,800
                                   16.400    13,600   17,370   1,33,980  1,31,830
           Do. **                 4.03.000  9.03.800  6,13,300  6,65,280  11.810
          Tea .                   9.10.000   7.75.400   7,15,550  6,86,270  8.39,940
                                  2,16,950  2^4.400  2,81,460  1,34.640
          W,                       49,000   28,100    66,800    44,640   2,48.460
                                  2.14.700   2.35.000                     82380
                                  235350    439.400  2,78,670  4,10.670  2,78,120
                       Total    135.07,200  9930,800
                   Specie                           99,06,760  ‘80,61,660  85,85.480
                                  232,000  1,07,650   65.420   2.11,670  1.80300
                giahd total
                                13739300  1.0037,950  99.62,170  82.73,230  8738^680
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