Page 514 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 514
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TABLE No. 10.
Controlled Statement eh vicing the Value and Detoriplion (tf Goode Imported into Lingah during
the year* 1883-67,
Fob ton tuu
1858. 1884. 188&. 1888. 1887.
Animals, Living . 4.900 6,700 8,060 14,800 12,750
Apparel, Wearing .. 3,750 6.400 6,5U0 10,100 12.500
Building Materials 7.900 5.400 7,500 10,600 9.100
Canvas 30,200 22,300 27.400 33.000 40.000
Catils * • . • 44,000 51,600 60,000 64.000 51,450
Coal .... • •5 11,200 10.000 2.400
Cocoanuta . . 4,750 7,800 6.900 8,600 10.900
Coffee » • 63.500 80,100 83,800 93.000 2.03.000
Coir and Coir-rope 11.500 18.500 20.500 25,600 24.000
Cotton Goods . • 8,50,300 10,32,800 12,59,600 15 '63,500 : 12,10,000
Thread and Twist * 20,000 25.500 27.000 el,500 36.000
Cotton, Raw 11,700 15,600 13.000 9.600 11,700
Dates v * . 94,900 95,700 74.000 71.000 77.800
Drugs and Medicines • 27,350 35,170 42.500 49.900 58.800
Dyeing and Colouring Materia! 8,300 5,950 7,800 6,000 15.800
Earthenware 4,400 10.500 9.900 15,150 18.400
Fruits and Vegetables • 42.000 51,100 61.700 58,500 69.000
Fuel . . . ’ . 55,250 64,400 61.000 64.600 69.500
Furniture . . . 12.000 200 7,400 8,800 10.000
Gold Embroidered Cloth. 6,000 7,500 9,000 12.000 11,000
Gold Lace . . »
„ Thread, fee. . 400 4,300 7.800 11.600 15,550
Grain and Pulse . . 6,09,750 8.90.700 8.09.000 7,29,100 7,88,100
Hardware and Cutlery * 6rS50 9,600 10.900 14,700 11,000
Hides and Skins «. 7,109 7,800 9,450 14,600 9,550
Jute, Raw » 4,500 6.000 7,900 8.500 10.500
Leather, Manufactures of 4j600 7,450 12,600 13.000 14.200
Lemons, Dry . . 10,500 14.600 14.900 12,200 9,250
Mats . . • % 12,100 15,250 11,400 36.000 . . 14,606
Metals. • • 27,450 34.900 85.900 81,400 tt,SO0
Metals, Manufactures of. 5,700 12.500 14.000 | 16.500
Oil ... , 31.500 40,400 42.700 49,90© 57.000
Pearls ... 27,59,800 28,11,0(10 3^50,000 26#09;omj 31.95.000
Perfumery . . . 13,150 2,780 7.900 12.200
Porcelain abd China ware . 5,100 10.500 15.900 lsjm u&»
Provisions and Oilman7* stores 62,350 82,450 1,07,200 96.000
Salt • * • • 19.500 22,800 19.300 30.000
Seeds . . 11,050 15,050 21,100 vtjm 21,600
Shells. Mother-o'Pearl • 1.73.600 1,49,000 1.82.400 86,(*» 1^6,000
Silk, Raw . . . 7,300 7.000 10,200 11*900 i 13,406
„ Manufactures of . 3,600 17.850 86,600 37.200 i 40,300
Spices ... 52,000 64.850 99.300 86.900 91.000
Sugar Candy . . 11.4C0 13.900 21.500 16,000! 11,006
» Loaf ... 3,700 6,400 8.800 19.200 I ugooo
„ Soft . 45,300 39.500 68.900 64.500 njxto
Tallow 7,400 9.000 9,900 9,500 10.500
Tea > . 5,500 7.000 12,200 15.500 14.800
Tobacco 1,39,700 1.48.700 1.67.000 1,42,900 2,40^000
Timber and Wood . . 62,850 60.600 47.500 32.900 57.100
Woollen "Goods 1.43.600 1,37,050 1,56,700 2,08,600 2.19.900
Other articles 48,960 7*,780 74.900 58,100 84j920
Total 55,68,810 62,57,980 69,36,900 65,82,860 73,21,670
Specie 25,69,000 25,68,000 24,61,000 23,58,000 18,79,000
GRAND TOTAL 81,32,810 88,25,980 93,87,900 87,40,850 92,00,670