Page 515 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 515


                                      TABLE Np. IT.
                Return of Principal Article* of Export from .Bonder Alba* during fie gear 1867.

                                                   1887.             1883.
                        Aenouio.                       Vain#              Twin*
                                             Quantity.         <^ua(lt7.
                                                      (la Sterling).    (hi Bteriine).
                                                         a                a
           Cotton, R*w   .   •   •          17/157 cwta.   8.75.000  12/154 cwta.   3.80.000
           Pate* •   •   •   •              94,500 ‘ „   3.50.000  12,064   -  54.000
           Prop* and Medicines               1,320 pf   18.500   2,410   „  77,500
           Djfinff and Colouring Materials   12,200 „   2,49,500  16/170   „  8,60,700
           Fruit* and Vegetable#             6,214   „  1.74.000   16/170   „  4^4,000
           Oam «    #   #   9                6,-VW   .  44,. 00
           Of»in tixl Fulte                   2S0*Vdlea.       6,956 cwta.  37.000
           Gold, JJmhroidoty .   #     f     1,605 chcsta   1.25.000  1/08 ebesta
           Opiwn                         t  or 2i,0G4 cut*  J 16,05,000 £  or 2/163 cwto.  114,70,400
           PronBionB and Oilman’* stereo                15.000             6,600
           Salt                              6.000 tons   80.000  2/200 tons  11.000
           Sulphur .   •   .                 6/1C4 cwta.   97.500
           Seeds •   -   •   •               7.UO „    1,00.000  2,010 cwta.   80,000
           Silk, Baw   -               r       CO *     30.000   63   „   16,000
            „ Konulactnrcs of                 500 pieces  23.500  250 pieces   9,000
           Tobacco   -                       2.000 cwta.   40.000  6,053 ewts.   1.08.000
           Timber and ’Stood (Walnut)         225 too*  25.000  1/100 ton*   40.000
           Wool •   •     .                  6,071 cwta.   2.55.000   625 cwta.   35.000
           WoeBen Goods   .   •                91 b’tflca.  1^0,000  2,340 pieces  1,17,000
  |        Other articles   .                           6-V/KX)           72,700
                                    Total              37,41.900         30,88,800
                                Spocie                 1,50,000           2/10,000
                             GRAND TOTAL               38,91/)00         32,88,800

                                      TABLE No. 18.
                    Return of Principal Article* into Bunder Abba* during the year 1887.
                                                   1887 y             issa.
                                              Quantity.  Twine  0*atity.   Twine
                                                      (i* Sterling).     (la Sterling).
                                                          A                A
           Animal* ...                        600       24/100
           Ceofecbooeiy and Preeerre*         500 cases   4,000  1/W2 eases   12,500
           Cotton Goods .   .   .            9/XX) b'dlc*.  •22,50,000  2.350 b’dles.  11,76,000
           Thread wnd Twist .                 420       1.05,000  900  7*  4/J0.000
           Drugs and Medicine*                                   12 case*   11,600
           Gold Embroidered jQoCA •           10 b’dica.   9,500  12 b’dlee.  12.000
           Gold Lace   ...                    ?6 ease*
            . Thread  .                   }              23.000
           Grain and Pulse                  14,800 cwta.  7I.7W   5,424 cwta.  80,000
           B&rdw&re and Cutlery .             90         18,0* $
           Indigo ....                       3.428   „  3/34,000   2,411 cwta.   3,66,000
           Jut«v Mannfactarea of .           .2,020 b’dle*.   44,700   260 b’dle*.  13.000
           Liquors, Wines, and Spirit*       2,650 packgea.   27,250  867 cases   26.000
           Mats 1 «   %   «   •               6S0 b’dles.   10.000   .2/320 b’dle*.
           Metal* ....                      21490 cwta.   L36.4Q0          41.000
           Oil                            {  3/XX) case*  * j 15,600  1,000 cases  15,000
                                              60 casks
           Faint* and Colours  .              100 cue*   SOlOOO
           tarcelain and China war* .         TOO „      28,000
           Provisions and Oilman’* storm     4,000 b*g»   32/00            •...
           ***** ....                        4^80 cwta.  1.12.C00  L285 cwta.  25.000
           SHh, Manufacture* ot                          27/100            80.000
                                              190 cases   13,000
           8»T«. Candy .                      900 cwta.   18/100  1,200 cwta.
             . w .     .  :                  9,000 u    1,20.000  75,490   „  25,000
             . .       .  .                 27,000   „  W.000  7^1   „   12,08,000
           Tea       BiPS                                                 1,00,000
           Timber and Wood   .   !           4*286      8,60.000  *JB*0  „  3,30.000
           Tobacco .                                     2.420              6*000
           Woollen Goods                     2,000 b'dlea.  17/100
           Other article*   °   o                 u      95000  122 Vdlea.  wiooo
                                                         91,070           LTP^OO
                                    TVtxjlx            44^690            42*2,200
                                                        lpojooo           1,74,000
                             GRAND TOTAL *
                                                                  -i     44*06*208
   510   511   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519   520