Page 521 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 521

                      RESIDENCY AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOB 1887*88.

                                    TABLE No. *8.
         TabU therein? the Total Faint of all Articles Exported from, and Imported to, Bahrain from and
                                   to Foreign Countries,

                                               Expos ts.          Imposts.
                                            1887.    1888.    1887.    1868.
                                             R        R        R         R
         British India and Colonies   .   27,90,000  21,27,580  25,08,060  24,64,820
         Torkey ................................................  11,54,990  11,52,090  10,34,070  9,00,660
         Maritime States on the Arab Coast of the
           Persian Gulf .   .   .       •  •  2,70,010   2,68,380  3,29,650  2,99,910
         Persian Ports and Mekran   .   •  2,05,420   1,96,980  6,38,000  6,80,470
         Muscat and Dependencies            44,500    55,350   45,200   25,150
          Zanzibar ......                   18,150    10,600   21,100   23,900

                                Total     44,88,070  38,10,980  44,71,080  42,44,910

                                     TABLE No. 27.
                     Eetsm of Shipping at the Port of Bahrain in the year 18S7.
                                       Satltnq.       Stxax.         Total.
                                    No. of         No. of        No. of
                                    Vessel.  Tons.  Vessel*.  Toot.  Vessels.  Tons.
          British .                    25   8,3*5    53   74,969    78   78,844
          Arab                        520  14,040                  520   14,040
          Persian .                   275   5,775                  275    5,775
          Turkish .                   125   4,875                  125   4,375
          Other* .                     49   1,261                   49    1,261

                         Total        994  28,826     53  74,969  1,047 103,795

          Total tor the tear preceding .  784  20,188  49   39,139  835  59,327

                                       Sailofq.       Stxax.         Total.
                                    No. at         Ssof           No. of
                                    V-  sk.  Tons..        Tons.  VcmOb,  TW.

          Bdtodh ,                    28    3,948    53   74,969    81   78,917
          Aafo                        545   15,080  • ••           545
          Fennan ,                    263    5,612                 263   15,080
          Turkish .                   119   4,0.46          •••    119    4,046
          Others .                    41     1,067          • ••    41    L067

                          Total       996   29,668   53   74,969  1,049  104,622

          Total poi
                      WAE PRECEDING .  786  20,188   49   39,139   835   59,327
   516   517   518   519   520   521   522   523   524   525   526