Page 526 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 526


                                    Eitimale for tie year 1887-88continued.

                                                           Yalno in   To what place chiefly
                            A&TZOUH.            Quantity.   Dollar*.     oxportcd.

                  Pearla                                    70.000  India.
                  Mother-o'Pcarl •              250 candies.  20.000
                  Cotton .   .    •           1.500  bales .   24,000  rt
                    „ Fabric*  .              . 250 boxes .  100,000   Zanzibar, Yemen, &c-
                    „ Seeds   -   •           2.500  bags .   ' 5,000  India.
                  Bose leaves   .   .           70 „          370  India, Africa, &c.
                    „ water                     500 karbas .   500           n
                  Pomegranate, skins and seeds   20 bags .    120  India.
                  Henna •    •    •            350 „          750  Persian Gulf and Basrah.
                  Opium                          6 chests .  5.000   Zanzibar.
                  Wheat •    .    •           4.000  bags .  12,000  •India and Mauritius.
                  Bice •     .    •           40.000  „    150,000  Persian Gulf.
                  Jowaree •                   1.000  „       2,500  Mekran and Yemen.
                  Ghee .     •    .             120 skins .   1,700  •Mauritius.
                  Sugar %                       750 bags .   6.000   Persian Gulf.
                  Salt                       30.000  bahrs .  75,000  India-and Zanzibar.
                  lied Ochre   .   •            400     .     800  India.
                  Madder .   .    .             100 bags .    600  India and ’Oman.
                  Assafcetida   .  .            12 skins .    150  1 ndia.
                  Garlic                         60 bags .    170  Zanzibar.
                  Musk                          $0 bottles .   1,500  Persian Gulf.
                  Aloes wood                     12 boxes .   8,000    v
                  Incense .                      50  „   .   1,200     T>
                  Shunna .   ..                 500 bags     4.000  India.
                  Aloes                         800 skins .  8.000   »»
                  Senna leaves   .   .           50 bags      200  •India and Persian Gulf.
                  Dragon’s blood                250 casks .   900  •Persian Gulf.
                  Budrbud     •               1.500  bags    3,000  •Red Sea Ports.
                  Goat’s hair   .   •           100 „ .       600  •Busrah.
                  Hulwah .                      200 boxes .  4.000   India, Mauritius, See.
                  Otto of Roses  •               4   j>      1,500   India and Mauritius.
                  Canvas, Arabian               600 rolls    2,700   Red Sea Porta.
                  Rafters .    .   .            400 scores .   1,400  Persian Gulf.
                  Donkejs .                     125 in No. .   2.000  India and Mauritius.
                  Oil, Kerosine'  .            8,000 boxes .   14.000  Persian GulC
                  American Cloth   •            300 bales .   20.000
                  Wool .                         40 „    .    500  India.
                  Rifles .                       3 boxes .    200  Persian GulL
                  Paper .      .   ,             5            175       n
                  Mat bags     .   .           2,500 b'dlea .  6,500    n
                  Miscellaneous  .                          52,000      J9
                                Total .                   1,140,685
                                Special .                  800,000
                            GRAND TOTAL                   1,440,685

                                                IMPORTS.                        •*
                                         TUtiwde for the year 1887-88.

                   Fran         Axncus.              Quantity. '  Value in   Bnajucs.
                   -i  f Rioe, Bengal .    m      150,000 bags    630,000
                   S  I ,, Malabar .                •500 moordha .   1,200
                   *5  V 99  Red .                   400 bags       1,400
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