Page 562 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 562


                   Abdul Aziz was well aware of the terms offered him, vie. that ho should receive
                   a subsidy from the Sultan on condition of residing in India.
                       Reports were received in Muscat during the month of a contemplated
                   rising of tho Nojdean tribes against 'Oman. This expedition was to bo con*
                   ducted by Ibn Rasheed in conjunction with Sheik Jasim-bin-Thani of £l*Bidaa,
                   and to be on a larger scale than any hitherto attempted. Nothing, however,
                   occurred to disturb the general tranquillity of tho Province.
                       No further events of importance occurred before the cIosq of the official
                        Slave trade.—There were no seizures of slave vessels during the year.
                        Official changes.—Surgeon-Major Jayakar, Agency Surgeon, held charge
                   of the office of Political Agent and Consul from 1st April to 6th July 1888;
                    Colonel Ifockler from 7th July 1858 to 1st March 18S9, from which date Sur­
                    geon-Major Jayakar again held charge of the office to the close of the year
                    under report.

                                                      TT. STRATTON, Lieutenant,
                                             H. B. Al.’s Political Agent and Consist, Unseat.
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