Page 567 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 567

1888-89.    81

                                       TABLE No. L
                 Return of Principal Articles of Export from Eusitre during lie gear JS88.
                                                   18SS.             1887.
                                             Quantity.  Vales.  Quantity,  Value.
                                                         R                 R
           Animal 1 (horses) .   .            401       60,300  866       54,900
           Cottle .                          8,000 bead   6,000  8,600 head   10,09,200
           Cotton (raw) •   •               35,078 cwu.  6,14^40  48.660 cwta.
           Cotton goods ,   •   .             100 pkgca.   20,680
           Dwtos .   ...   .                18,183 cwta.   62J60  8,017 cwts.   2&180
           Drapt and medicines               1.426  „   83^20   662 „     18,780
           Dyeing and colouring materials    1.888 *    20.010  8.700 m   ■46.270
           Fruit and vegetable .            16.647  *  1,79.000  14,730  „  1,81.490
           Groin and puleo .   .            152,222   „  6,74,550  6.674  „  28,820
           Gum ....                         14.918   „  1,18,160  6,716  ..  68.080
           Bides and skins ,                  693 b'dlea.   49.470  2,021 b’dlcs.   1,40,aW
           Metals (copper)                   2,0-11 cwts.   1,4X870  1,453 cwts.   48,850
           Opium ....                        2,200 cbcila  22,00,000  2,939 chests  £9,89.600
           Fcurls ....                                  19,000  10,752 eases   27,500
                                             8^:5 casts
           Perfumery                        { 9,457 ccrboyr, }  1,40^20  7,352 carboys  J 1,68,580
           Provisions and oilman's ctoret    4,356 pkgca.   80,610   2,470 pkgcs.   62,600
           Beads ....                        7,4-17 cwta.  63,030   6,617 cwta.  39,940
           Bilk (to-*)                        151      1,07,010   i0 4   1,70,200
           Tbraoco ....                     31.074   *t  6,71,*20  24,212   „  4,61,300
           Wmli •.                           7,$73   „  1,27,320  2.610 „   41,760
           Wool! «o poods (ctrpois) .         652 bales  2,23,800  601 bales  2,00,400
           Other articles .                            1,00,710          1,03,400
                                    Toni,             56,01,360          68,19,690
                                Specie                 3,63,320          4,29,860
                             GRAND TOTAL              59,61,680          62,49,560

                                        TABLE No. 2.
                  Return cf Principal Articles of Import into Bn shire during the year 1888.
                                                   1SS8.             1887.
                         Axis bus.
                                              Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.
                                                          R                 R
           Arms and uamuzsfos                 116 plsges.   20,050  170 pkgea.   34.940
           Candles ...                        769 cwta.  30,180  948 cwta.   37,150
           Co Sea .   .                       727   „   35.430   250  „    16,980
           Cotton goods                      16,607 pkgca.  4744,950  15,463 pkgea.  46,46,900
           Thread and twist .                 330       1.04.400   140  *•  32,250
           Drug* and mediemes                2,742   „  94.190  3.053   „  91.280
           Dyeing and colouring                373   .   7,650   230       4,270
           Fuel                              41.450 cwta.   20,960  46.636 cwta   2*950
           Glass and glass-trine .            3,<61 pkgea.  L21.520  2,138 pkgea.  1.00. 360
           Gold lace   ,   .
           Gold thread .   „              }    63  m    42,200  4,056 lbs.  1,01,400
           Grain and pulse                    8,144 cwta.  36,660   19,698 cwta.
           Hardware and cutlery               346 pkgea.   66.390   299 pkges.   1.00. 600
           Indigo .                           1.702 cwta.  3,84,900   3.274 cwta.
           Jntv, manufactures of              951 pkgea.   58,280   2,428 pkgea.  6,19.300
           Liquors, wines and spirits        1,756   .  28,320   788   ..  16.470
           Metala .                          15,247 cwta.  • 3,46,900   26,716 cwta.   7,41,680
           Metals, manufacture* a£            441 pkgca.   24.740   1,614 pkgea.   49.000
           02   -   -   •                    9,860 cwta.   77.780   4,980 owta,
           ftlWjhut JEod                      1,495 pkgca.   147,610   824 pkgea.^oo
           Ztmriuous uu£ cJua«>v              4*463   . *  64,630   3,426  „  70.650
            Silt;, manula&oroe of              70   „   83,600   48  »     47,800
                                              1,853 cwta.  1,06,290   8.160 cwta.   1.31,830
            Stationery ,                       169 pkgea.   26,260   76 pkgea.
            Snga;, loaf .   *                 7,588 cwta.   140.670   21,246 cwta.   11,310
             - •<* .                         80345   »  3*89,060   23,604   *  8.39,940
            Tea                                         2.U050   2.W6
            Timber and wood .                 AIM .      24.590      „    2,48,460
            Woollen good*.   #                 825* pkgea.  341.120  258 pkgea.  82.680
            Other ortidie* ,                                              2,78,120
                                                        144.400           8,6X960
                                    Tom                78.09.690         85,88.480
                                 8peds                  3,25.670          1,30,200
                              GRIND TOTAL              81,35,360         87,18,630
   562   563   564   565   566   567   568   569   570   571   572