Page 572 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 572


                                               TABLE No. A
                          Return of Principal Article* of Export from Shiias during the year 1883.
                                                     1888.                1887.
                            A uncut*.
                                               Quantity.  Value.   Quantity.   Value.
                                                            R                     R

                   Animals (Horses) •   <      500         76.000   500         76.000
                   Cotton (Raw) .   •   •    67,140 Cwts.   9.28.000   67,140 Cwta.   10.40.000
                  Drugs and Medicines •       1,424   „    71,940   1,710   „   77,940
                  Dyeing and Colouring Materials   2,428   „  27,600  2,428   „  27,600
                  Fruit and Vegetables       15,426   „   1,45,200  15,426   „  1,70,400
                   Gum ....                    485   „     18,920   485  ft     18,920
                  Hides and Skins «           1,400 B'dles.  1.24.000   1,400 B'dles.   1.24.000
                  Opium «...                  6.000  Chests  84,20,000  5,000 Chests  34.20.000
                  Perfumery (Rosewater)       5.000  Cases  80.000   5.000  Cases  80.000
                  Seeds .    •   .    •      80,170 Cwts.   1,05,980  30,170 Cwts.   1,05,980
                  Tobacco ....               17,140   „   8.84.000  17,140   „  1.92.000
                  "Wool ....                 42,857   „   7.20.000  42,S57   „  7.20.000
                  Woollen Goods (Carpets) .   1,400 Bales  5.60.000   2.000  Bales  8,00,000
                  Other articles .                          6,720                6,720

                                  Total                  66,62,360            68,58,560

                                                TABLE No. 10.
                          Return of Principal Articles of Import into Shiraz during the year 1838.
                                                     18S8.                1837.
                                               Quantity.  Value.    Quantity.  Value.

                                                           R                     R
                  Candles •                   7,000 Cases   49.000   5,000-Cases   89.000
                  Coffee •                     642 Cwts.   28,800   257 Cwta.   20,160
                  Cotton goods .                        11,24,000             11,24,000
                  Thread and Twist .           850 B'dles.  5,780   800 B'dles.  5,«0
                  Drugs and Medicines                      21,600               83,030
                  Glass and Glassware .      2,150 Cases   31,400  2,150 Cases   81,400
                  Gold embroidered Cloth       250 Pieces   4,950   250 Pieces   4,950
                  Gold Lace and Gold Threat   2,000 B'dles.  22.000   2.000  B'dles.   22.000
                  Hardware and Cutlery          50 Cases   10,000    50 Cases   10,000
                  Indigo •   •       . ^     4,500 Cwta.  6,04,800  4,500 Cwta.  6,04,800
                  Metals .                               3.21.500              2,79,900
                  Oil (Kerosine) .           8,500 Cases   25,200  8.000  Cases  22,800
                  Porcelain and Chinaware     1,900   „   1,00,000   1.000   „   1,00,000
                  8ilk, manufactures of        650 Pieces   35,300   650 Pieces  85,300
                  Spices •   •   •            7,700 Cwts.   1,58,770   6,420 Cwta.   1,32,670
                  Sugar, Loaf   .            15,000   „  8,02,400   18,000 „   8,22,660
                    »  8oft   .              41,428   „   *,91,200  46,607   „  7,45,200
                  Tea                         1,830   „   1.34.500   1,570   „  1,87,000
                  Woollen Goods                  • ••     1,89,840             1,89,340
                  Other articles .                         18,820     • ••      19,120

                                  Total          • ••    38,29,860    • ••    38,28,670
   567   568   569   570   571   572   573   574   575   576   577