Page 573 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 573


                                      TABLE No. 1L
                 Return of Principal Articlet of Export from Lingoh during He year 1888*
                                       1838.                   1887.
                                 Quantity.    Value.      Quantity.    Value.

                                                 R                         R

         Animals, Living •       193            7,000     254           10,200
         Arms and Ammunition                   12,600                   16.900
         Canvas   .   •          659 Cwfcs.    41,200     696 Cwta.     48,750
         Cattle   *             4,700 Head     16,500    7.600  Head    26,600
         Coffee                 3,496 CwUl    1.74.000   2,750 Cwts.   1,43,600
         Coir and Coir rope     1,591   „      16.500    1,507   n      15.000
         Cotton goods           i 256 Pfce.  15,00,000   1,770 Pks.    9.85.000
         Thread and Twist.       412 Cwts.     24.500     657 Cwts.     24,600
         Dates                 26,036   „      42.500   25.000          61.500
         Drugs and Medicines     440 Pks.      47.500    1,257  t* a    44.900
         Dyeing and Colouring
           Materials            1,164 Bags     14.500    1,463          12,800
         Fruits and Vegetables                 51,300    6,i00   tt     54,100
         Fuel .                 6,027 Tons     14,700    2,921$ Tons    14,700
         Grain and Pulse .                    5.92.000   139,448 Cwts.   6.20.000
         Hardware and Cutlery     40 Cases     10,000      35 Cases      7.000
         Hides and Skins •      4,800 Pieces    5,600    6.600  Pieces   5,800
         Lemons, Diy             483 Cwts.      5,300     621 Cwts.      6.000
         Mats                        B'dles.    6,400   19.000  Pieces   sym
         Metals                 9,64$ Cwts.    16.500    1,286 Cwts.    22.500
           „ Mannfactures of     217   „        9,500     429            8,300
         Oil .                                 42.500    3,571  ft      81.000
         Pearls                              43,34,000                31,80*000
         Porcelain and Chinaware   250 Coses    9,900     251 Cases      9,000
         Provisions and Oilman's
           Stores                              57.200                   51.000
         Salt .                 1,500 Tons      8,000    5,571 Tons     26.000
         Seeds                  1>6S9 Cwts,    13.500    1,782 Cwts.    16,800
         Shells, Mother-o' Pearl   6,931   „   95,000    7,609   „      96,000
         Silk, ilanuftctores'of   3,150 Pieces   21,600   367 Pieces    25^000
         Spioes                  322 Cwts.     63.500    1,817 Cwts.    56,'OM
         Sugtr Condv •                         10.200     603
           „ Loaf*.              4*2 Cwts.      9.600    2,295  w       Sl^OO
           n Soft .             4,122   „      57,400    4,000  tt
         Test .                  170 Chests     8.600     107   Tt
         Tobaooc               17,300 Bags    1.97.000   21,429  n     ijSTfIM,
         Tim ber and Wood..                    13,300           n
         Woollen Goods           174 Bala     2.27.000    128* Bales |
         Other articles                       1,63,930                 1,42,0791

                  Torsi                      79,40,330                63,11,820

              Specie                         23,05,000      • ••      20,76,000

         grand total                        1,02,45,880     • ••      83,86,820
   568   569   570   571   572   573   574   575   576   577   578