Page 578 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 578
43 administration nqroji? pp tqb ?er9IAN gt7i,p pqjjtiqaii
W Nq- *e,
Statement slowing tie Quantity of Opium exported from Bunder Abltufrom 1st January to
Slit December 1888.
To IIona-Koifo,
No. of cho«t«.
By steatnqrs of tho British Steam Navigation Company, Limited . 359
By Bteamprs of tl^o Borpbpy and Persia Steam Navigation Company, Limited • 1,528
Total 1,887
TABLE No. 20.
Return of rrmipal Articles of Export f(oa Bahrain during the year 1888.
1888, 1887.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
121 Donkeys 1 41,680 { 100 Donkeys } 40,100
Animals 89 Horses 40 Horses
30 Camels
85 Camels
Arms and Ammunition 19,840
Canvas . • « 1.15.500 2,28ft Cwts. 1,16,50.0
Cattle , . , 6,750 Head 13.500 4,000 Head 10,000
Coffee , , 2,033 Cwts. 1.87.000 2,475 Cwts. 90.000
Cotton goods . 700 B'dies. 1.66.000 750 B’dles. 1,55,700
Thread and Twist . 140 Cwts. 6,900 179 Cwts. 8,750
Pates 1,22,100 42,210 „ 1,19,500
Drugs and Medicines 11,700 13.500
Grain and Pulse 68,000 Cwts. 5.10.500 68,096 Cwts. 2,90,200
Hides and Skins tf!4 „ 25,870 2,636 „ 29.500
Mats t • • • 3,584 B'dles. 9,800 11,500 Pieces 12,150
Oil . . , . 22,800 20,200
Pearls , . , . 82,07,000 • •• 24,93,500
Provisions and Oilman's stores ••• 34,780 26.000
Silk, manufactures of 19.500 1,600 Pieces 18,600
Spices .... 688 Cwts. 47,150 921 Cwts. 52.500
Shark fins , 10 - 13,900 9 „ 13.000
Sugar .... 1/800 „ 25,950 i,ua „ 17,760
Tobacco .... 2,647 „ 43,800 2,006 „ 41.000
Timber and Wood 12.500 13.500
Wool . , . . 160 Cwts. 10,850 2K „ 10.000
Woollen goods • •• 12,300 12 B'dles. 12,000
Other articles . 1,17,470 1,43,720
Total • •• 45,49,840 37.47,670
Specie 6,56,000 • •• 7,35,600
GRAND TOTAL ••• 62*05,840 • •• 44t83t070