Page 574 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 574


                                                 TABLE No. 11
                            Return of Principal ArlicUt of Import into Lingak during ike year 168Q.
                                                 1888.                    1887.
                                            Qaintity.    Yalne.     Quantity.    Value.

                                                           R                        R
                    Animals, Living •   ♦   £74           9,850     350           12,750
                    Apparel, Wearing   .  6,900 Pieces   17.700    6,000 Piecea   12,600
                    Arms and Ammunition •                10.750                   • ••
                    Boohs and printed matter             30.300
                    Building Materials    8,518 Tons     14.100    6,857 Tone      9,100
                    Candles .    .         1,200 Cases   10,800       • ••        • •4
                    Canvas (Country)        786 Cuts.    48.900     804 Cwts.     40.000
                    Cattle   ,   «        16,500 Head   ' 57,750  14,700 Head     51,450
                    Cocosnuts .             4S2 Cwts.     7,200     804 Cwts.     10,900
                    CoHoe                 4.500   „     2.24.000   3,234  „     2.03.000
                    Coir and Coir rope     2f89S   „     30.000    2,411   „      24.000
                    Cotton goodF     V    2.500  Bales  14.83.000  2,200 Bales   12,10,000
                    Thread and Twist .      ros Cwts.    44.000     836 Cwts.     36.000
                    Cotton, Raw             715  „       15,800     402  „        11,700
                    Pates    .   •                       69.400   31,848  „       77,300
                    Drugs and Medicines          „       19,150    1,671  „       58.800
                    Dyeing and Colouring
                      Materials •    ,    2,OS3   „      26.750    2,142  ,,      15.800
                    Earthenware .                        19.700                   18.400
                    Emits and Vegetables .   1 !,<!40**Cwts.   79,350  9,600 Cwts.   69.000
                    Rod .    •   ,        10,506 Tons    74.900   10,164 Tons     69.500
                    Furniture  .              • M        12,600                   10.000
                    Gold Embroidered Cloth   ISO Pisces   9,500     220 Pieces    11,000
                     „ Lace and Gold
                      Thread                555 lbs.     19.400     375 lbs.      13,550
                    Grain and Pulse .    156,857 Cwts.   8.39.000   144,086 Cwts.   7,83,100
                    Hardware and Cutlery .   64 Cases    15,800      55 Casc3     31.000
                    Jute, Raw  .           1,099 Cwte.   16,600     836 Cwts.     10.500
                    Leather, Manufactures of             11.100                   14.200
                    Lemons, Dry .           SO* Cwts.     8,000    1,000 Cwts.
                    Mats ,           A    4-ft/JGO Pieces   16.000   38,400 Pieces   14.600
                    Metals           4     £ U Cwts.     32,500    2,168 Cwts.    34.600
                     j,   Maniifudvurss .■©£ . ,  m  »   15.400
                    oa .                                 69.400     521  „        16.500
                    Peiife                             63.26.000   6,679  „    .31,95,000
                    Pcf cassrf  .    .                   15.000                   12.200
                    YarczLvjs. sntf Cim*cwan:   425 Cases  16.900   420 Cases     14.800
                    ProriricuE* Qikmanfo
                     stores   .                         1,00,450                  96.000
                    Sail ,   .  ' .      10,200 Tons     25,600    6,428 Tons     30.000
                    Seods ....            1,567 Cwts.    18.400    2,814 Cwts.    21.600
                    Siefis, Motbex-or Pearl «.   9^70   „  1,28,100  8,071  „    1.16.000
                    SOk, Raw  .             15   u        9,950      18 „         33.400
                     „ MzaufaAnres qg  .                 33.000                   40.800
                    Sjifiw                4,628 Cwts.    96.000    3,643 Cwts.    91.000
                         Ckrre/             700   „      15.000     820 •„        17.000
                     ii      .              783  n       15.700    2,902  „       43.000
                     * Sbrr .             5,786   , -
                    Tr&csr   .       » '    587          80.000    5,000  „       76,MO
                    1** -            :)     329 Chests   11.400                   14.800
                                                                    118 „
                   'To’naceo              *4,643 Cwts,  2.46.000  20,714  „      2,40,000
                    Timber and Wand •                    40.300
                    Woollen Goocb .         139 Pks.    2,85,800      • ••      2,19,900
                    Other Articles                                  185 B'dles.
                                                         80,660                   96,870
                                                      1,08,49,350     • ••      73,21,670
                                                       20,84,800      • • •     18,79,000
                    GRAND TtmJL      J                1,35,34,150     •••       92,00,070
   569   570   571   572   573   574   575   576   577   578   579