Page 585 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 585


                   RK8IDENCY AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY POE 1838-89. .     49

                            Ettimafe for the year 1888-89—continued.
                                                     Value in   To what place chief!/
                    Articles.           Quantity.
                                                     Dollars.     exported.
          Cotton .    .        .  •    1.000  BaleB .   21,000  India.
            „ fabrics .   •             800 Boxea .  120,000  Zanzibar, Yemen, &c,
            „ seeds                    2.000 Bags •   4,200  India.
          Rose leaves .   .             ■ 80 „ •.      400  India, Africa, &c.
           ,, water                     450 Carbaa •   600         »
          Pomegranate skins and seeds    25 Bags       160  India.
          Henna                         250 „          6u0   Persian Golf and Basrab.
          Opium ...                       5 Cheats .   4.000   Zanzibar.
          Wheat                        8,500 Bags    10,000  India and Mauritius.
          Rice .                      25,000 „       90.000  Persian Gulf.
          Jowari •    •   •            1.000  „       2.000   Mekran and Yemen.
          Ghee •      .   •              200 Skins ,   8,000   India.
          Sugar                          500 Bags     4,0 00  Persian Gulf.
          Salt ...                    25,000 Bahra .   65.000  India and Zanzibar.
          Red ochre.                     850 „         750   India.
          Madder ...                     100 Bags     * 400  India and 'Oman.
          Assafcetida                    10 Skins .    150   India.
          Garlic                         7 0 Bags      200   Zanzibar.
          Musk                           20 Bottles .   1,300  Persian Gulf.
          Aloes wood                     10 Boxes .   2,500
          Incense                        40 „    .    1,000      tt a
          Shnnna                       1,000 Bags .   7.000  India.
          Aloes                          200 Bottles .   2.000
          Senna leaves .                 80 Bags       100   India and Persian G-ulf.
          Dragon's blood •               200 Casks .   800   Persian Gulf.
          Budrbnd  .                     175 Bags ,    800  Jeddah.
          Goat's hair                    100 „         850   Basrab.
          Hulwah   .                     200 Boxes .  3.500  India, Mauritius, &c.
          Otto of roses                    5 „        1.500  India and Mauritius.
          Canvas, Arabian                400 Roils .   r,8co  Red Sea Ports.
          Rafters   .   .                850 Scores .   1,600  Persian Gulf.
          Donkeys  .   •   .             150 In No. .   S,0i'0  India and Mauritius.
          Oil, kerosine                2,000 Boxes .   4,000  Persian Gulf.
          American  cloth .   .          200 Bales .   14,000
          Wool                            50 „         600   India.  n
          Rifles   .                      4 Boxes .    250   Persian Golf.
          Paper                           4 „           150       >»
          Mat bags .                   2,000 Bundles  5,000
          Miscellaneous                              25,000       n
                           Total                   1,083,100
                        Specie                      320,000
                GRAND TOTAL .                      1,403,100


                                  Ettimafe for the year W88-89.

          From          Arti dm.             Quantity.    Vilot it   BntoiL
               Rice, Bengal .            140,000 Baga      500,000
                n Malabar                   600 Moorabs     1,500
           g    ii Bed .                    350 Bags        1,500
               Wheat .                     4,000            11,000


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